第16課 - Workbook: ~ていただけませんか
Complete the following problems using ~ていただけませんか.
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Ask the following people favors. Use the appropriate speech style: ~てくれない (casual), ~てくれませんか (formal), or ~ていただけませんか (very formal).
(to a friend) Will you lend (me) money?
(to a friend) Will you correct (my) Japanese?
(to your host family) Would you wake me up at seven o'clock tomorrow?
(to your host family) Would you speak more slowly?
(to your professor) Could you write me a letter of recommendation?
(to your professor) Could you translate this into English?
Complete the dialogues, using ~てくれない, ~てくれませんか, or ~ていただけませんか.
You: (Mother, could you do my homework?)
Host Mother: だめ、だめ。宿題は自分でしなきゃいけませんよ。
You: (Will you return my money?)
Friend: ごめん。来週まで待って。今、お金がないんだ。