第8課 - Workbook: Verbのが好きです/上手です
Complete the following problems using Verbのが好きです/上手です.
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IWrite what you are good at/what your are not good at/what you like to do/what you don't like to do, using the cues below.
私はtaking picturesあまり上手じゃないです。
私はspeaking Japanese大好きです。
私はdoing laundryきらいです。
私はwashing a carあまり好きじゃないです。
IITranslate the following sentences.
Erika is very good at making friends.
Kenta loves reading books.
Haruto hates cleaning the room.
Yui is not good at driving a car.
Yuki doesn't like doing laundry very much.