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第21課 - Reading Practice: 厄年

Read the story about unlucky ages and answer the questions.
If you don't know how to type in Japanese on your computer, please visit our help page by clicking here.
迷信めいしん superstition
こる to occur; to happen
おおくの~ many...
しんじる to believe
ただの~ nothing more than...
きゅうに suddenly
入院にゅういんする to be hospitalized
うらない fortunetelling
にする to worry
ながあいだ long time
一生懸命いっしょうけんめい very hard
おや parents
おくる to send
ぜいたくをする to indulge in luxury
めったに~ない seldom
食事しょくじ meal
うらやましい envious; jealous
ところが however; on the contrary
たのしみ pleasure
かよう to commute to
おくれる to be late
一台いちだい one vehicle; one machine
不便ふべんな inconvenient
心配しんぱいな worried about
まもり charm (against evils); amulet


厄年(やくどし) Critical or unlucky ages. According to Japanese folk belief, at certain ages an individual is most likely to experience calamities or misfortunes. It is customary in these unlucky years to visit temples and shrines to pray for better fortune.








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