第20課 - Workbook: Name という Item
Complete the following problems using Name という Item.
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IFill in the blanks with ~という.
最近、(book called げんき)本を読みました。
日本語のクラスで、(person called 綾小路)人と友だちになりました。
この間、初めて(food called おから)食べ物を食べました。
(bookstore called はせいち)でアルバイトをしたことがあります。
今、私の国で(manga called Doraemon)が人気があります。
IITranslate the following sentences about Seth's favorite mascot (マスコット) and character (キャラ) using ~という.
I like the restaurant called "Hana." (I like it) because you can eat cheap and tasty food.
I like the mascot called Mishy (みっしぃ).
(I like him) because he is cute and funny.
(I like him) because he is cute and funny.
I like a character called Tio Plato (ティオ・プラトー).
(I like her) because she is beautiful, smart, and never gives up.
(I like her) because she is beautiful, smart, and never gives up.