第2課 - Workbook: Listening Comprehension
Listen to the audio and answer the questions.
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AListen to the dialogue at a kiosk and find out the prices of the following items. If you can't find out the price, indicate such with a question mark (?).
BMary introduces her friend, Christy, to Takeshi. Answer the following questions in Japanese. *フランス (France)
CMary and Takeshi went to a Japanese restaurant. They are looking at the menu.
How much are these items?
a. すきやき (¥)
b. うどん (¥)
c. てんぷら (¥)
Mark each of the following statements with O if true, or with X if false.
a. () Sukiyaki has fish in it.
b. () Mary thinks sukiyaki is expensive.
c. () Both Takeshi and Mary ordered udon.