第18課 - Workbook: Listening Comprehension
Listen to the audio and answer the questions.
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AListen to the dialogue between a mother and a daughter. Mark each of the following statements with O if true, or with X if false.
*クッキー (cookie) カップラーメン (ramen in a cup)
() The daughter had dinner with her friend.
() Tanaka ate the cookies.
() Her father ate the noodles.
() The daughter regrets that she did not buy anything at the convenience store.
BProfessor Yamashita called the customer service section of a computer company. Listen to the dialogue, and fill in the form.
*カスタマーサービス (customer service) ライト (light) スクリーン (computer screen) 原因 (cause)
赤いライト [on/off]
スクリーン [on/off]
CListen to the dialogue between Ms. Mori and Mr. Tanaka, and answer the following questions in Japanese.