第18課 - Workbook: Questions
Answer the following questions in Japanese by translating the sentences.
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(A Japanese textbook is inside.)
(A Japanese textbook is inside.)
(Yes, I broke an alarm clock. I gave my friend a new alarm clock.) alarm clock = 目覚まし時計;めざましどけい
(Yes, I broke an alarm clock. I gave my friend a new alarm clock.) alarm clock = 目覚まし時計;めざましどけい
(I often drive while I listen to music.)
(I often drive while I listen to music.)
(I think I should have practiced piano more.)
(I think I should have practiced piano more.)
(Whenever I talk with a friend, sing at Karaoke, etc, I feel better.)
(Whenever I talk with a friend, sing at Karaoke, etc, I feel better.)
I borrowed fashionable clothes from a friend when I went on a date.
But, when I was eating ramen, I got those clothes dirty (regrettably).
I washed them, but they didn't get clean.
I intend to be more careful from now on.