第18課 - Workbook: ~と
Complete the following problems using ~と.
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ITranslate the following sentences, using ~と.
Whenever a response doesn't come from a friend, I get uneasy.
Whenever I use a computer, (my) eyes hurt (lit., become painful).
Whenever I get nervous, I get thirsty.
Whenever I take this medicine, I become sleepy.
When spring comes, cherry blossoms bloom.
IIComplete the sentences by translating the cues.
(Whenever I exercise)、おなかがすきます。
(Whenever I ride on an airplane)、気分が悪くなります。
(Whenever I receive a present)、うれしくなります。
IIIAnswer the questions by translating the sentences.
(Whenever I drink coffee before bed, I cannot sleep.)
(Whenever I drink coffee before bed, I cannot sleep.)
(Whenever I fall down in a place with a lot of people, I feel embarrassed.)
(Whenever I fall down in a place with a lot of people, I feel embarrassed.)