第18課 - Workbook: Transitivity Pairs 2
Complete the following problems using transitive or intransitive verbs.
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IChoose the correct verbs and fill in the blanks with their long forms.
(あける・あく) ドアがあきます。
(しまる・しめる) 窓を。
(いれる・はいる) 猫が家に。
(つける・つく) 電気を。
(わく・わかす) お湯が。
(でる・だす) かばんから本を。
(きえる・けす) 電気が。
(こわす・こわれる) 携帯が。
(よごす・よごれる) 服を。
(おちる・おとす) ペンが。
IIAnswer the following questions by translating the sentences.
(Yes, I turn the light off.)
(Yes, I turn the light off.)
(No, I do not open the window when it is cold.)
(No, I do not open the window when it is cold.)
(No, I do not dirty my clothes much.)
(No, I do not dirty my clothes much.)
(Yes, I break things often.)
(Yes, I break things often.)
(No, I have never dropped my wallet.)
(No, I have never dropped my wallet.)