第16課 - Workbook: ~といいですね/~といいんですが
Complete the following problems using ~といいですね/~といいんですが.
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IWish the following people luck, using ~といいですね.
Your friend: あしたは私の誕生日なんです。
You: (I hope you can receive a lot of presents.)。
You: (I hope you can receive a lot of presents.)。
Your friend: 今、仕事を探しているんです。
You: (I hope you find a good job.)。
You: (I hope you find a good job.)。
Your friend: 来年留学する予定です。
You: (I hope you can have various experiences.)。
You: (I hope you can have various experiences.)。
Your friend: 私の猫が病気なんです。
You: (I hope [your cat] gets better soon.)。
You: (I hope [your cat] gets better soon.)。
IITranslate the sentences, using ~といいんですが.
I want to go to a graduate school. I hope I can receive a scholarship.
There is an exam tomorrow morning. I hope I do not oversleep.
I have to give a presentation tomorrow. I hope I will not be too nervous.
We are planning on having a barbecue. I hope it does not rain.