第0課 - Workbook: Greetings
Write in Japanese (hiragana) the appropriate expression for each situation.
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In the morning, a girl greets her friend on the way to school. How does she greet him?
A man helps carry his friend's bags. What does the friend say in return?
Two friends run into each other at night. What do they say?
The customer calls to the waiter. What does he say?
A girl is about to eat. What does she say?
The girl has finished eating. What does she say?
The girl is about to leave for school. What does the girl say?
Her mother sees her off. What does the mother say?
The girl has returned home. What does the girl say?
Her mother welcomes her back. What does the mother say?
An exchange student introduces herself. What does she say?
The woman bids her friend farewell. What does she say?
A mother wishes her son a good night. What does she say?
Two friends greet each other at the supermarket. How do they greet each other?