巻末 - Grammar Index
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Grammar Notes Usage
Grammar Key Meanings
Key | Meaning |
表現ノート | Expression Notes |
本文 | Passage (from the dialogue) |
説明 | Explanation |
補足 | Supplemental information/links/etc. |
英訳 | English translation/equivalent |
文型 | Grammar patterns |
例文 | Example sentences |
練習 | Practice exercises |
Abbreviations used in the Grammar Notes
Abbreviation | Meaning | Examples |
S | Sentence | 学生が来る |
N | Noun | 学生; 日本; バス |
NP | Noun Phrase | 日本語の勉強 |
VN | Verbal Noun; Noun which forms a suru-verb by affixing する | 勉強; 買い物; サイン |
V | Verb | 話す; 食べる; 来る |
V-stem | Stem of verb's masu form (=masu form minus masu) | 話し; 食べ; 来 |
V-nai | Stem of verb's nai form (=nai form minus nai) | 話さ; 食べ; 来 |
V-vol | Verb's volitional form | 話そう; 食べよう; 来よう |
A | i-adjective | 大きい; おもしろい |
A-stem | Stem of i-adjective | 大き; おもしろ |
A-nai | Stem of i-adjective's nai form (=nai form minus nai) | 大きく; おもしろく |
ANa | Stem of na-adjective | 静か; 便利 |
ANo | Stem of no-adjective | 普通; 最高 |
An | Non-conjugational adjective | すぐ; ゆっくり; 大きく; 静かに |
DemP | Demonstrative pronoun | これ; それ; あれ |
DemA | Demonstative adjective | この; その; こんな; あんな |
Conj | Conjunction | が; から; しかし |
Prt | Particle | が; を; に; よ; ね |
QW | Question word | 何; だれ; いつ; どの; いくら |
Da | だ and its conjugations | だ; だった; です; でした |
te | te-form | 話して; 高くて; 静かで |
short | short form, also called "plain form," "informal form," etc. | 話す; 話した; 高い; 静かだった |
non-past | non-past form | 話す; 高い; 静かだ |
past | past form | 話した; 高った; 静かだった |
aff | affirmative form | 話す; 高い; 静かだ |
neg | negative form | 話さない; 高くない; 静かじゃない |
cond | conditional form (=ba-form) | 話せば; 高ければ; 静かなら(ば); 静かであれば |
Symbols used in the Grammar Notes
Symbol | Meaning | Examples |
A/B; {A/B} | Either A or B | Vteくる/いく; N{では/じゃ}なくて |
{A/B}{C/D} | AC, AD, BC or BD | N{で/から}{できる/できている} |
(A) | A is optional. | N(Prt)も |
A+B | A is followed by B. | Adj+N |
× | The following word/phrase/sentence is ungrammatical/unacceptable | 本を{読む(の)なら/×読んだら}、電気をつけなさい。 |
?? | The following word/phrase/sentence is quite unnatural. | トムは急に{怒り出した/??怒り始めた}。 |
Lesson 0: Greetings (あいさつ) Genki I: p.33
表現ノート1. おはよう/ありがとう Genki I: p.33
説明 |
おはよう is used between friends and family members, while おはようございます is used between less intimate acquaintances, similarly to ありがとう and ありがとうございます. The rule of thumb is: if you are on a first-name basis with someone, go for the shorter versions. If you would address someone as Mr. or Ms., use the longer versions. おはよう is a greeting used before noon, but some people use it in casual settings in the afternoon or even at night when they see their classmates or co-workers for the first time that day. |
補足 | Wiktionary |
英訳 |
おはよう(ございます) = good morning ありがとう(ございます) = thank you; thanks |
例文 |
練習 |
表現ノート2. さようなら Genki I: p.33
説明 | There are several good-bye expressions in Japanese, the choice among which depends on the degree of separation. さようなら indicates that the speaker does not expect to see the person spoken to before he/she "turns a page in his/her life"; not until a new day arrives, or until fate brings the two together again. It sounds dramatic and ritualistic, and its daily use is largely restricted to school children taking leave of their teachers. |
補足 | Wiktionary |
英訳 |
さようなら = farewell; goodbye またね = bye; see you later しつれいします = excuse me |
例文 |
練習 |
表現ノート3. すみません Genki I: p.33
説明 | すみません means (1) "Excuse me," to get another person's attention, (2) "I'm sorry," to apologize for the trouble you have caused, or (3) "Thank you," to show appreciation for what someone has done for you. |
補足 | Wiktionary |
英訳 | excuse me; I'm sorry; thank you |
例文 |
練習 |
表現ノート4. いいえ Genki I: p.33
説明 | いいえ primarily means "No," a negative reply to a question. In the dialogue, it is used to express the English phrase "Don't mention it," or "You're welcome," with which you point out that one is not required to feel obliged for what you have done for them. |
補足 | Wiktionary |
英訳 | no; don't mention it; you're welcome |
例文 |
練習 |
表現ノート5. いってらっしゃい/いってきます/ただいま/おかえりなさい Genki I: p.33
説明 |
いってきます and いってらっしゃい is a common exchange used at home when a family member leaves. The person who leaves say いってきます, which literally means "I will go and come back." And the family members respond with いってらっしゃい, which means "Please go and come back." ただいま and おかえり are used when a person comes home. The person who arrive home says ただいま (I'm home) to the family members, and they respond with おかえりなさい (Welcome home). |
補足 | Wiktionary |
英訳 |
いってきます = I will go and come back; see you later いってらっしゃい = please go and come back; have a good day; take care ただいま = I'm home; here I am おかえりなさい = welcome home |
例文 |
練習 |
Lesson 1: New Friends (新しい友達) Genki I: p.41-45
Introduce ourselves
Ask and tell people names, majors at school, time, etc.
1. XはYです Genki I: p.41-42
本文 |
説明 | です is a copula used for connecting additional information to the subject. Often times when the subject is known, the subject + は (pronounced wa when used as a particle) is dropped in Japanese. If it's not clear what's being talked about, however, the subject can be stated by marking it as a topic with は as in examples 4-7. |
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro |
英訳 |
~です = It is...; to be... XはYです = X is Y. As for X, it is Y. |
文型 |
a. ~です b. ~は~です |
例文 |
練習 |
2. Question Sentences (~か) Genki I: p.42-43
本文 |
説明 |
か turns a statement into a question when added at the end of a sentence.
(I am) an international student. りゅうがくせいですか。
(Are you) an international student? The question sentence above is a "yes/no" question. Question sentences may also contain a "question word" like なん or 何 (what). なん is typically used before です or counters (as seen in the examples below), whereas 何 is used before a particle such as が、を、etc., as in 何をしていますか (What are you doing?). |
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 | yes?; no?; isn't it?; is it? |
文型 | ~か |
例文 |
練習 |
3. NounのNoun Genki I: p.43
本文 |
説明 |
の is a particle that connects two nouns. The second noun provides the main idea and the first noun makes it more specific. It can be used like the possessive (Takeshi's) in English, as in the example below.
Takeshi's phone number
NounのNoun acts more or less like one big noun and can be put wherever you can put a noun, as in the following example. たけしさんのおかあさんはこうこうのせんせいです。
Takeshi's mother is a high school teacher.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 | 's; of; indicates possessiveness |
文型 | N1のN2 |
例文 |
練習 |
表現ノート1. あのう Genki I: p.44
本文 |
説明 | あのう indicates that you have some reservations about saying what you are going to say next. You may be worried about interrupting something someone is currently doing, or sounding rude and impolite for asking personal questions, for example. |
補足 | Wiktionary |
英訳 | um; well; er |
例文 |
表現ノート2. そうですか Genki I: p.44
本文 |
説明 | そうですか acknowledges that you have understood what was just said. It is equivalent to "Is that so?" (with rising intonation) or "I see" (with falling intonation). |
補足 | Wiktionary |
英訳 | is that so?; I see |
例文 |
表現ノート3. Numbers Genki I: p.44
本文 |
説明 |
Many number words have more than one pronunciation. Refer to this chart for a general picture.
例文 |
練習 |
表現ノート4. 先生 Genki I: p.44
説明 | The word 先生 is usually reserved for describing somebody else's occupation. 私は先生です makes sense, but may sound slightly arrogant, because the word 先生 actually means "honorable master." If you (or a member of your family) are a teacher, and if you want to be really modest, you can use the word 教師 instead. |
補足 | Wiktionary |
英訳 |
先生 = teacher; master 教師 = teacher (of a classroom) |
例文 |
表現ノート5. さん Genki I: p.45
説明 | さん is placed after a name as a generic title to show respect. It goes both with a given name and a family name. Children are referred to with ちゃん (and boys in particular with くん), rather than さん. Professors, doctors, lawyers and others in "high status occupations" are usually referred to with the title 先生 rather than さん. さん and other title words are never used in reference to oneself. |
補足 | Wiktionary |
英訳 | Mr.; Ms.; Mrs. |
例文 |
表現ノート6. Referring to Others Genki I: p.45
説明 |
The word for "you," あなた, is not very commonly used in Japanese. Instead, we use the name and a title like さん and 先生 to refer to the person you are talking to. Therefore, a sentence like "Ms. Hart, are you Canadian?" should be: ハートさんはカナダ人ですか。 Instead of ×ハートさん、あなたはカナダ人ですか。 See Lesson 4 for more on this subject. |
補足 | Wiktionary |
Lesson 2: Shopping (買い物) Genki I: p.60-65
Ask and answer how much things cost
Do shopping
Order food in a restaurant
1. これ/それ/あれ/どれ Genki I: p.60
本文 |
説明 |
これ, それ, and あれ are words used to refer to things relative to the speaker's position. これ refers to something close to the speaker ("this thing here"). それ refers to something far from the speaker, but close to the listener ("that thing in front of you"). あれ refers to something far from both the speaker and the listener ("that thing over there").
(speaker is holding the pen) This is my pen.
(speaker is pointing to the pen in the listener's hand) That is my pen.
(speaker is pointing to the pen far from both him and the listener.) That over there is my pen.
When asking about two or more things, you can use どれ for "which." どれですか。
Which one is it (that you are talking about)?
It is considered impolite to directly use these words in reference to people, such as when introducing them. ×これはともだちのメアリーさんです。
This thing is my friend Mary.
補足 | Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 |
これ = this それ = that あれ = that (over there) どれ = which |
文型 |
a. {これ/それ/あれ}(は)~ b. どれ(が)~ |
練習 |
2. この/その/あの/どの+Noun Genki I: p.61
本文 |
説明 |
この/その/あの are similar to これ/それ/あれ in regards to their usage based on the speaker's position. The key difference is that the れ versions of these words can be used alone, whereas the の versions must be used with a noun. You can use these words in reference to people as well, unlike これ/それ/あれ which can be considered impolite when used in reference to others.
How much is this watch?
That watch (in your hand) is 3,000 yen.
That student over there is an international student.
If you already know that one of several students is Japanese, but do not know which, you can say the following. どのがくせいがにほんじんですか。
Which student is Japanese?
To summarize:
これ(は~) このnoun(は~) close to the person speaking
それ(は~) そのnoun(は~) close to the person listening あれ(は~) あのnoun(は~) far from both people どれ(が~) どのnoun(が~) unknown |
補足 | Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 |
この = this その = that あの = that (over there) どの = which |
文型 |
a. {この/その/あの}N(は)~ b. どのN(が)~ |
練習 |
3. ここ/そこ/あそこ/どこ Genki I: p.62
本文 |
説明 |
ここ, そこ, あそこ, and どこ are words for places and work the same as これ/それ/あれ in regards to the speaker's position. You can use these words to ask for directions:
Excuse me. Where is the post office?
In response, you can point toward the post office and say: (ゆうびんきょくは)あそこです。
(The post office is) right over there.
補足 | Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 |
ここ = here (near me) そこ = there (near you) あそこ = over there どこ = where |
文型 |
a. Placeはどこですか b. (Placeは){ここ/そこ/あそこ}です |
例文 |
練習 |
4. だれのNoun Genki I: p.62
本文 |
説明 | だれの can be used to ask who something belongs to. It is a combination of だれ (who) + の (possessive particle), which gives it the meaning of "whose." |
補足 | Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 |
だれ = who だれの = whose |
文型 | だれのN |
例文 |
練習 |
5. Nounも Genki I: p.62-63
本文 |
説明 |
も is a particle that means "too/also" and is used to mention that someone/something has the same property as someone/something else.
Takeshi is Japanese.
Yui is Japanese, too. A は X です。 A is X. B も X です。 B too is X. Since も can only be used for properties that were mentioned by another, it cannot be used to say something like "I'm Japanese. I'm American, too." since it implies that someone else is American in addition to you. You have to use でもある if you want to list out multiple properties that someone/something possesses. |
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 | too; also; as well |
文型 | Nも(Xです) |
例文 |
練習 |
6. Nounじゃないです Genki I: p.63-64
本文 |
説明 |
じゃない is used for negating Nouns, and Adjectives that end with な (commonly called な-adjectives). The addition of です simply makes the statement more polite.
Mr. Yamada is not a student.
There are many different levels of formality for negative sentences, with じゃないです being polite, but not super formal. The more formal version of じゃない is じゃありません、with じゃ being a contraction of では(dewa), which is the most formal and also most appropriate for written language. The level of formality for these forms, from most casual to most formal, are as follows:
がくせいじゃない。(casual) がくせいじゃないです。(polite) がくせいじゃありません。(more conservative) がくせいではありません。(formal, appropriate for writing) です and じゃない must always be accompanied by a noun when answering a question; they do not stand alone. A
×いいえ、じゃないです。 A
Are you Japanese.
No, I am not Japanese.
×No, am not. To summarize:
affirmative: (Xは)Yです = X is Y.
negative: (Xは)Y{じゃない(です)/じゃありません/ではありません} = X is not Y. |
補足 | Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 | is/am/are not |
文型 | N/ANaじゃない(です) |
例文 |
練習 |
7. ~ね/~よ Genki I: p.64
本文 |
説明 |
ね and よ are sentence-ending particles that are used often in Japanese to convey additional information or emotion. If you're seeking agreement or confirmation, you would add the ね particle ("right?") to the end of your sentence.
Ms. Lee, your major is literature, right?
This is not meat, is it?
If you're fully confident of what you're saying and want the listener to believe it, add よ ("I tell you") to the end of your sentence. とんかつはさかなじゃないですよ。
Let me assure you. "Tonkatsu" is not fish.
(In case you're wondering.) Mr. Smith is British.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 |
ね = right?; isn't it?; sentence-ending particle for seeking agreement/confirmation よ = I tell you; you know; sentence-ending particle for conveying emphasis/new information |
文型 |
a. ~ね b. ~よ |
例文 |
表現ノート1. (~を)ください Genki I: p.65
本文 |
説明 | (~を)ください means "Please give me...," and can be used to request (concrete) items. |
補足 | Wiktionary |
英訳 | please (give me) |
文型 | N(を)ください |
例文 |
表現ノート2. (~を)お願いします Genki I: p.65
本文 |
説明 | (~を)お願いします, like ください, can also be used to request an item. When used to ask for a concrete object, (~を)お願いします sounds slightly more formal than (~を)ください. It is heard often when ordering food at a restaurant (like "I will have..."). (~を)お願いします can also be used to ask for "abstract objects," such as repairs, explanations, and understanding. |
補足 | Wiktionary |
英訳 | please |
文型 | N(を)お願いします |
例文 |
表現ノート3. (~を)どうぞ Genki I: p.65
本文 |
説明 | (~を)どうぞ is used when an offer is made with respect to an item. In the dialogue, the restaurant attendant uses it when he is about to hand the menu to the customer. |
補足 | Wiktionary |
英訳 | here you are; feel free; please |
文型 | N(を)どうぞ |
例文 |
表現ノート4. Pronunciation of Number Words Genki I: p.65
本文 |
説明 | Note that the words for 300, 600, 800, 3,000, and 8,000 involve sound changes. "Counters" whose first sound is h, like ひゃく (hundred), generally change in sound after 3, 6, and 8. Some counters that begin with s, like せん (thousand), change in sound after 3 and 8. Refer to the table here. |
練習 |
表現ノート5. Big Numbers Genki I: p.65
説明 |
In addition to the digit markers for tens (じゅう), hundreds (ひゃく), and thousands (せん), which are found in Western languages as well, Japanese uses the marker for tens of thousands (まん). Thus, 20,000, for example, is にまん (=2x10,000), rather than にじゅうせん (=20x1,000). While the next unit marker in Western languages is one million, Japanese describes that number as 100x10,000, that is, ひゃくまん. More complicated numbers can be considered the sums of smaller numbers, as in the following examples.
練習 |
Lesson 3: Making a Date (デートの約束) Genki I: p.86-93
1. Verb Conjugation (Long Form: ~ます・~ません) Genki I: p.86-88
本文 |
説明 |
The "long form," also called "polite form," "formal form," etc., is a conjugation class for verbs which makes them more polite. Japanese has three groups of verbs based on their conjugation: ru-verbs (also called ichidan verbs), u-verbs (godan verbs), and irregular verbs. (1) Ru-verbs The base of Ru-verbs (食べる --> 食べ; tabe, remove る) ends with either e or i plus the suffix る. All ru-verbs, therefore, end with eru or iru. There are a few exceptions, however, such as 帰る, which is an u-verb.
食べる (tabe + ru) 寝る (ne + ru) 起きる (oki + ru) 見る (mi + ru)
(2) U-verbs U-verbs have a consonant-final base plus u (e.g., 飲む nom + u). As mentioned above, 帰る is an exception to this rule. The る in this verb is not considered a suffix like with ru-verbs.
飲む (nom + u) 読む (yom + u) 話す (hanas + u) 聞く (kik + u) 行く (ik + u) 帰る (kaer + u) (3) Irregular Verbs There are two "irregular verbs," する and くる. する can be combined with certain nouns called "Verbal Nouns" or "Suru-verbs" to create a verb out of a noun, such as 勉強 (study) + する (to do) = 勉強する (to study).
する 勉強する くる
Present Tense Conjugation (Long form) The long form of verbs, ます (affirmative) and ません (negative), makes them more polite compared to their dictionary forms or "plain forms" (not conjugated). To conjugate ru-verbs into the long form, simply replace the final る with ます or ません.
To conjugate u-verbs into the long form, you replace u with imasu or imasen. For example, the final む changes to み, く changes to き and so on.
帰る is an u-verb, so it is not conjugated like a ru-verb: ×帰ます. Instead, you take the final る and change it to り, like so:
The conjugation for irregular verbs looks like the following.
Irregular verbs
To recap, if a verb ends with
補足 | Bunpro Wiktionary | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
文型 |
a. V-stemます b. V-stemません |
練習 |
2. Verb Types and the "Present Tense" Genki I: p.88
本文 |
説明 |
Among the many verbs in Japanese are those that describe human actions. These are often called "action verbs," and the "present tense" of these verbs either means (1) that a person habitually or regularly engages in these activities, or (2) that a person will, or is planning to, perform these activities in the future. Habitual actions: 私はよくテレビを見ます。
I often watch TV.
Mary sometimes doesn't eat breakfast.
Future actions: 私はあした京都に行きます。
I will go to Kyoto tomorrow.
Sora will not return home today.
It is usually easy to tell which action is implied by the usage of frequency adverbs, time references, and so on. You may need to rely on context in other cases. |
3. Particles (を, で, に, and へ) Genki I: p.88-89
本文 |
説明 |
Nouns used in sentences are usually followed by particles. These particles work together with nouns and verbs to help tell us how they interact with each other. In spoken and casual language, particles are often dropped, however. We'll go over four particles here: を, で, に, and へ below. を (Direct object) The particle を, pronounced "o," marks "direct objects," which are things that are directly involved in, or affected by, the verb. コーヒーを飲みます。
I drinkcoffee.
I listen to music.
I watchTV.
で (Place of action) The particle で indicates where the event described by the verb takes place. 図書館で本を読みます。
I will read books in the library.
I will eat lunch at home.
に The particle に has many meanings, but we'll go over two here: (1) the goal toward which things move, and (2) the time at which an event takes place. (1) Goal of movement (for verbs like 行く、来る、and 帰る) 今日学校に行きません。
I will not go to school today.
I will returnhome.
(2) Time (This will be discussed more in Time References) 日曜日に京都に行きます。
I will go to Kyoto on Sunday.
I will go to bed at eleven.
I will go to bed at about eleven.
へ (Goal of movement) Wherever に is used for the goal of movement, へ (pronounced "e") can be used as well. Please note, however, that this particle cannot be used for time references. 今日学校へ行きません。
I will not go to school today.
I will returnhome.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 |
を = indicates direct object of action で = at; in に = at (place, time); to (direction, state) へ = to; towards |
文型 |
a. NをV b. LocationでV c. Location/TimeにV d. LocationへV |
練習 |
4. Time References (に) Genki I: p.90
本文 |
説明 |
The particle に is used with (1) the days of the week like "on Sunday," and (2) numerical time expressions, like "at 10:45," and "in September."
I will go on Sunday.
I get up at 10:45.
I will go back in September.
I will come tomorrow.
I watch TV every evening.
When will you go?
I will read a book in the morning.
What will you do on the weekend?
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
練習 |
5. ~ませんか Genki I: p.90
本文 |
説明 | ませんか (= present tense negative verb + question particle) is used to extend invitations. The affirmative counterpart, ますか, cannot be used in this way. So a sentence like 昼ご飯を食べますか (Will you eat lunch?) would only be taken as a question, not an invitation. |
補足 | Bunpro |
英訳 | won't you?; would you like to...? |
文型 | V-stemませんか |
例文 |
練習 |
6. Frequency Adverbs Genki I: p.91
本文 |
説明 |
Frequency adverbs, such as 毎日 (every day), よく (often), and 時々 (sometimes) can be added to a sentence to describe how often one does something.
I sometimes go to the library.
There are also adverbs for describing how infrequent an activity or event is: 全然 (never; not at all) and あまり (not often; not very much). These adverbs must be used with the negative form of a verb when describing infrequency. That is, the sentence must end with ません (or an equivalent negative form). 私は全然テレビを見ません。
I do not watch TV at all.
Takeshi does not study very much.
補足 | Wiktionary |
英訳 |
Frequency 毎日 = every day よく = often たいてい = usually 時々 = sometimes Infrequency 全然 = never; not at all あまり = not often; not very much |
文型 |
a. Adverb~V-stemます (Frequency) b. Adverb~V-stemません (Infrequency) |
例文 |
練習 |
7. Word Order Genki I: p.91
説明 |
Japanese sentences are fairly flexible in the arrangement of elements that appear in them. Generally, sentences are made up of several noun-particle squences followed by a verb or an adjective. A typical sentence, therefore, looks like the following, but several other arrangements of noun-particle sequences are also possible.
8. The Topic Particle は Genki I: p.91-92
本文 |
説明 |
The particle は (pronounced wa) is used to mark the topic of a sentence or conversation. It basically puts forward what you want to talk about. You may have noticed that the topic phrases in sentences such as メアリーさんは二年生です (Mary is a sophomore), and 私の専攻は日本語です (My major is Japanese), are the subjects of those sentences. A topic phrase doesn't need to be the subject of a sentence, however. There were three sentences in Lessons 3's dialogue where nonsubject phrases are made topics with the help of the particle は.
Mary, what do you usually do on the weekend.
I'm going to Kyoto today.
How about dinner?
I will not eat.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
文型 | Topicは~ |
表現ノート1. 行く/来る Genki I: p.93
説明 | When you move to a place where the listener is, you say "I'm coming." in English. However, in the same situation, 行きます is used in Japanese. 来る is a movement toward the place where the speaker is, while 行く is a movement in a direction away from the speaker. |
補足 | Wiktionary |
英訳 |
行く = to go; to come (when moving towards the listener) 来る = to come |
例文 |
表現ノート2. ちょっと Genki I: p.93
本文 |
説明 | ちょっと literally means "a little," "a bit," "a small amount," as in ちょっとください (Please give me a little) and ちょっと待ってください (Please wait a moment). It is also commonly used for a polite refusal. In this case, it means "inconvenient," "impossible," and so on. Japanese people don't normally reject requests, suggestions, or invitations with いいえ (No), because it sounds too direct. |
補足 | Wiktionary |
英訳 | a little (inconvenient) |
例文 |
表現ノート3. はい/ええ Genki I: p.93
本文 |
説明 |
Both はい and ええ mean "yes" in response to yes-no questions. Compared to はい, ええ is more conversational and relaxed. In more informal situations, うん is used. はい is also used to respond to a knock at the door or to the calling of one's name, meaning "Here," as follows. (ええ cannot be replaced in this case.) Teacher
Mr. Smith?
補足 | Wiktionary |
英訳 |
はい = yes; here/present ええ = yes うん = yeah; uh-huh |
例文 |
Lesson 4: The First Date (初めてのデート) Genki I: p.107-113
Ask and describe where things/people are
Talk about things that happened in the past
Talk about habitual actions in the past
1. Xがあります/います Genki I: p.107-108
本文 |
説明 |
The verbs ある (for non-living things) and いる (for living things) can be used to say "there is/are X."
There's a McDonald's over there.
You can also use ある to say that you have or own something. テレビがありません。
I don't have a TV.
Something you should note is テレビじゃありません which may look similar, but is actually the more conservative version of テレビじゃないです which means "It isn't a TV." 時間がありますか。
Do you have time?
ある is also used to say that an event will take place. 火曜日にテストがあります。
There will be an exam on Tuesday.
There will not be Japanese class tomorrow.
There will be a festival in Kyoto tomorrow.
When you want to say there is a person or living thing, you need to use the verb いる. あそこに留学生がいます。
There's an international student over there.
I have a Japanese friend.
Note that the same verb "is" in English comes out differently in Japanese: あそこに留学生がいます。
There is an international student over there.
Mary is an international student.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 |
ある (for inanimate objects) = to be; to have; there will be; there is/are... いる (for animate objects) = to be; there is/are... |
文型 |
a. (placeに)thingがあります b. (placeに)personがいます |
練習 |
2. Describing Where Things Are Genki I: p.108-109
本文 |
説明 |
In Lesson 2 we learned how to ask for, and give, the location of item X.
Where's McDonald's?
McDonald's is {right here/right there near you/over there}.
It's in front of that hotel.
Other useful words for describing locations are as follows:
X is between Y and Z。
I waited for Mary in front of the Mos Burger place.
※ となり is used to describe two people or two buildings/places that are found side by side. よこ on the other hand can be used for a much wider range of things.
The bag is by the desk.
(odd) |
文型 | XはYのlocation wordです | ||||||
例文 |
練習 |
3. Past Tense of です (でした・じゃなかったです) Genki I: p.110
本文 |
説明 |
The past tense affirmative form of です is でした and the past tense negative form of じゃないです is じゃなかったです.
補足 | Bunpro | |||||||||
英訳 |
でした = was じゃなかったです = was not |
文型 |
a. ~でした b. N/ANaじゃなかった(です) |
例文 |
練習 |
4. Past Tense of Verbs (~ました・~ませんでした) Genki I: p.110
本文 |
説明 |
The past tense forms of verbs end with ました in the affirmative and ませんでした in the negative.
補足 | Bunpro | |||||||||
文型 |
a. V-stemました b. V-stemませんでした |
例文 |
練習 |
5. も Genki I: p.111
本文 |
説明 |
In Lesson 2 we learned to use the particle も with nouns that share the same properties. も can also be used with verbs when two or more people perform the same action.
I went to Kyoto yesterday.
Professor Yamashita went to Kyoto yesterday, too.
Mary bought shoes.
Mary bought a bag, too. In the examples above, you may have noticed that も replaces both は and を. が is also replaced in this manner. Other particles, such as に and で, on the other hand are not replaced by も but are instead accompanied by it.
I went to Kyoto last week.
I went to Osaka, too.
Sora came to school on Saturday.
Sora came to school on Sunday, too.
Ken read a book at home.
He read book at a cafe, too. は/が/を も に/で/etc. にも/でも/etc. |
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 | too; also; as well |
文型 |
a. NもV b. N{に/へ/で}もV |
練習 |
6. ~時間 Genki I: p.112
本文 |
説明 |
You can express the duration of an activity with a number (1, 2, 3...) or number word (一、二、三…) plus the word for "hour," 時間, resulting in a noun like 一時間. This noun can stand alone and is not followed by any particle.
Mary waited for Takeshi there for an hour.
I studied Japanese for about three hours yesterday.
I slept for seven and a half hours last night.
補足 | Wiktionary |
英訳 |
X時間 = X hour(s) X時間ぐらい = about X hour(s) X時間半 = X and a half hour(s) |
文型 | Number+時間(半)(ぐらい) |
練習 |
7. Expressions of Quantity (たくさん) Genki I: p.112
本文 |
説明 |
Expressions of quantity in Japanese are rather flexible and can be placed either before the noun or after the particle を.
I took many pictures in Kyoto.
There are a lot of vegetables.
補足 | Bunpro Wiktionary | |||||
英訳 |
たくさん = a lot; many いっぱい = a lot; much |
文型 |
a. quantity+N{を/が}V b. N{を/が}quantity+V |
例文 |
8. と Genki I: p.113
本文 |
説明 |
The particle と has two functions. One is to connect two nouns, as in "A and B."
I speak Japanese and English.
I went to Kyoto and Osaka.
The other meaning of と is "together with." This version is used when you want to describe something you will do or did with another person. メアリーさんはソラさんと韓国に行きます。
Mary will go to Korea with Sora.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 | and; with |
文型 |
a. N1とN2 = N1 and N2 b. Nと~ = with N |
例文 |
表現ノート1. Xの前 Genki I: p.113
本文 |
説明 |
Xの前 is often used in the sense of "across (the street) from X" or "opposite X." You may also hear another word that is used in the sense of across, namely, Xの向かい. If something is behind X, or farther away from a street and cannot be directly seen because of the intervening X, in addition to calling it Xの後ろ, you can also describe it as being Xの裏. |
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 |
~の前 = in front of... ~の向かい = across the street from... ~の後ろ = behind... ~の裏 = behind... |
文型 | Nの{前/向かい/後ろ/裏} |
例文 |
表現ノート2. えっ/あっ Genki I: p.113
本文 |
説明 | In the dialogues, we observe Mary's host father saying えっ, and Mary saying あっ. えっ is like the incredulous "what?" that you use when you have heard something that is hard to believe. あっ is used when you have suddenly noticed or remembered something. The small っ at the end of these little words indicates that these words, when pronounced, are very short. |
補足 | Wiktionary |
英訳 |
えっ = what?; huh? あっ = ah; oh |
例文 |
表現ノート3. Not using あなた Genki I: p.113
説明 |
As we learned in Lesson 1, the use of the word あなた is limited. Japanese speakers usually go without explicitly mentioning "you" in sentences.
What are you going to do this weekend?
I am going shopping.
補足 | Wiktionary |
Lesson 5: A Trip to Okinawa (沖縄旅行) Genki I: p.132-137
Talk about travel
Describe people and things
Make offers and invitations
Talk about likes and dislikes
1. Adjectives (Present Tense) Genki I: p.132-133
本文 |
説明 |
Japanese has two types of adjectives: "い-adjectives" and "な-adjectives." Just like verbs, they have present, past, affirmative, and negative conjugations. The two types of adjectives also follow different conjugation patterns. For present tense, simply add です to both い-adjectives and な-adjectives. For negative, you replace the last い of an い-adjective with くない. な-adjectives are just like nouns and you only need to change です to じゃないです.
Is that book interesting?
No, it is not very interesting.
Are you free today?
No, I'm not free.
Unlike verbs, adjectives conjugate pretty much the same. The only exception worth noting would be the adjective いい (good). The first syllable of いい is changed to よ in all forms except the dictionary form. There is, however, an alternative, よい, but it's not used as much. Compound adjectives that contain いい, such as かっこいい follow the same rule for いい and we say かっこよくないです. かわいい may look like it contains いい, but it doesn't; it conjugates like every other い-adjective: かわいくない.
If you want to say things like "very hot," and "a little hot," you can add "degree adverbs" like すごく (extremely), とても (very), and ちょっと (a little; slightly) before adjectives. 沖縄の海はとてもきれいです。
The sea is very beautiful in Okinawa.
This room is a little hot.
補足 | Bunpro | |||||||||||||||
文型 |
affirmative {A/ANa}+(です) negative a. A-stem+{くない(です)/くありません} b. ANa+{じゃない(です)/じゃありません} |
練習 |
2. Adjectives (Past Tense) Genki I: p.133-134
本文 |
説明 |
With い-adjectives, you change the last い to かったです in the affirmative. In the negative, you only need to change the present tense くない to くなかったです. な-adjectives are just like nouns, so the affirmative is でした and the negative じゃなかったです. Be careful not to confuse the two patterns, however, as it is wrong to say ×さむいでした, for example.
Was the exam difficult?
No, it was not difficult at all.
Was the town lively?
No, it was not lively.
The い-adjective いい (good) is irregular and has it's first syllable changed to よ as in the present tense conjugations.
補足 | Bunpro | |||||||||||||||
文型 |
affirmative a. A-stem+かった(です) b. ANa+{でした/だった} negative a. A-stem+{くなかった(です)/くありませんでした} b. ANa+{じゃなかった(です)/じゃありませんでした} |
練習 |
3. Adjectives (Noun Modification) Genki I: p.134
本文 |
説明 |
Adjectives in Japanese can be used to modify nouns. Simply place the adjective before the noun that you want to modify. Please note, however, that な-adjectives must retain "な" when modifying nouns.
い-adjectives: おもしろい映画 an interesting movie
な-adjectives: きれいな写真 a beautiful picture |
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
文型 |
a. A+N b. ANaな+N |
例文 |
練習 |
4. 好き(な)/きらい(な) Genki I: p.135
本文 |
説明 |
Some Japanese adjectives are like verbs in English, and they take a subject and an object. 好き(な) (to be fond of; to like), and きらい(な) (to be disgusted with; to dislike) are two examples of this. If you like something or somebody, for example, 私は will be the subject and the object of your affection will be Yが. XはYが{好き/きらい}です。 = X {likes/dislikes} Y. ロバートさんは日本語のクラスが好きです。
Robert likes his Japanese classes.
Professor Yamashita dislikes fish.
In regards to romantic or familial affection, the complex particle のことが replaces が.
たけしさんはメアリーさんのことが好きです。 = メアリーさんが好きです。
In contexts where you are contrasting two or more items, the particle は is used instead of が.
Takeshi is in love with Mary. 私は野菜は好きですが、肉はきらいです。
I like vegetables, but I don't like meat.
If you like or dislike something (or someone) a lot, you can add 大~ before 好き or きらい to intensify it, giving us 大好き (like very much) and 大きらい (hate). These forms are used more often than degree modifiers, such as とても, in combination with 好き and きらい. たけしさんはコーヒーが大好きです。
Takeshi likes coffee a lot.
Sora hates natto (Japanese fermented soybeans).
If you want to be neutral and say that you neither like nor dislike something, you can say: 好きでもきらいでもないです。
I neither like nor dislike (it).
You can also use 好きな and きらいな as modifiers of nouns. For example, you can say things like: これは私の好きな本です。
This is my favorite book.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 |
好き = to be fond of; to like 大好き = to like very much; to love 嫌い = to be disgusted with; to dislike 大嫌い = to hate |
文型 | (Xは)Yが(大){好き/嫌い}です |
練習 |
5. ~ましょう/ましょうか Genki I: p.136
本文 |
説明 | Take the long form of a verb and replace ます with ましょう or ましょうか and you will get the Japanese expression for "let's...," which you can use to suggest a plan of action. |
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 |
~ましょう = let's ~ましょうか = shall we? |
文型 | V-stem{ましょう/ましょうか} |
例文 |
練習 |
6. Counting Genki I: p.136
本文 |
説明 |
When we count items in Japanese, we use different number words or different kinds of items; the words used for counting people are different from the words used for counting books, for example. Number words often come after, rather than before, the items counted in a sentence.
文型 | item~number+counter | ||||||||||||
例文 |
表現ノート1. 忙しい/にぎやか(な) Genki I: p.137
説明 |
忙しい is used when we describe people and is not used for places. When you want to say that Tokyo is busy, you should use にぎやか(な) instead.
Takeshi is busy.
Tokyo is busy/lively.
=日曜日は(私は)忙しいです。 I am busy on Sunday.
補足 | Wiktionary |
英訳 |
忙しい = busy (of people); hectic にぎやか(な) = busy (of places); bustling; lively |
表現ノート2. そうですね/そうですか Genki I: p.137
本文 |
説明 |
そうですね is used when you agree with what you just heard. That is, you share the same opinion about Ken in the example below.
Ken is a very nice person.
That's right. / I agree. / Uh-huh.
Let's go to the cinema.
Well, let me see...
そうですか, with falling intonation, is used when what you just heard is new to you. In the example below, you probably do not know who Ken is. A
Ken is a very nice person.
I see. / Oh, he is, huh?
Today is Wednesday.
Is it really? Isn't today Tuesday?
補足 | Wiktionary |
英訳 |
そうですね = that's right; I agree そうですか = I see; is that so? |
Lesson 6: A Day in Robert's Life (ロバートさんの一日) Genki I: p.150-155
Make requests
Ask for and give permission
Talk about rules and regulations
Offer help
Give reasons for doing/not doing something
1. Te-form Genki I: p.150-151
本文 |
説明 |
Te-forms are a very important part of Japanese grammar. They are used for the following:
The conjugation paradigm of te-forms is complex, as we need to learn separate rules for ru-, u-, and irregular verbs. Furthermore, the rule for u-verbs is divided into five sub-rules.
補足 | Bunpro | |||||||||||||||||||||
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Wiktionary | |||||||||||||||||||||
例文 |
練習 |
2. ~てください Genki I: p.151
本文 |
説明 |
Use the te-form of a verb together with ください to make a polite request to another person "please do...for me."
Please read the textbook.
Excuse me. Please teach me a little. (= Tell me, I need your advice.)
If you are talking to a very close friend or a family member, a te-form by itself can be used as a request. 窓を開けて。
Open the window, will you?
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 | please (do for me) |
文型 | ~てください |
練習 |
3. Describing Two Activities (Sentence~て、Sentence) Genki I: p.151-152
本文 |
説明 |
The te-form can be used to combine two or more verbs, as in describing a sequence of events or actions ("I did this and then I did that"). Basically, the te-form here acts as "and" with verbs. (Note that two verbs cannot be joined by と, which only connects nouns.) The overall tense of the sentence (present, past...) is determined by the tense of the verb at the end of the sentence.
I will go to the library and check out some books.
Today I got up at six and studied.
Let's go to the cafeteria and have lunch.
The te-form can also be used to loosely connect verbs with the rest of the sentence. In the first example below, the verb in the te-form describes the manner in which the action described by the second verb is performed. In the second example, the te-form describes the situation for which the apology is made. バスに乗って、会社に行きます。
I go to work by bus. (I take a bus to work.)
I am sorry for not bringing in the textbook. (I left the book at home, and I am sorry.)
補足 | Bunpro |
英訳 | and; (used to loosely connect verbs with the rest of the sentence) |
文型 | S1~て、S2。 |
練習 |
4. ~てもいいです Genki I: p.152
本文 |
説明 | The te-form of a verb plus もいいです means "you may do...," which describes an activity that is permitted. (The も can be dropped in casual speech to say 食べていいです instead of 食べてもいいです) To ask for permission, you can turn it into a question sentence: ~てもいいですか ("may I...?"). If somebody asks for permission and if you want to grant it, you can either repeat the whole verb te-form plus もいいです construction, or just simply say いいです. て needs to be a part of a verb and cannot stand alone. So you cannot just say ×てもいいです or ×もいいです. The polite and graceful way to grant permission is to say どうぞ. |
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro |
英訳 |
~てもいいです = you may... ~てもいいですか = may I...? |
文型 | ~てもいいです(か) |
例文 |
練習 |
5. ~てはいけません Genki I: p.152
本文 |
説明 |
The te-form of a verb plus はいけません means "you must not do...," a strong prohibition statement, as in rules and regulations.
You must not take pictures here.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 | you must not... |
文型 | ~てはいけません |
例文 |
練習 |
6. ~から Genki I: p.153
本文 |
説明 |
A sentence that ends with から (because) explains the reason or the cause of a situation, a proposal, and so forth. (situation)。(explanation)から。 = (situation). Because (explanation). 私は今晩勉強します。あしたテストがありますから。
I will study this evening. (Because) we will have an exam tomorrow.
Let's go by bus. (Because) taxis are expensive.
The explanation clause may also precede the situation clause. Thus the first example above can also be paraphrased like so: あしたテストがありますから。私は今晩勉強します。
(Because) we will have an exam tomorrow. I will study this evening.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 | because; since |
文型 | Sから |
例文 |
練習 |
7. ~ましょうか (Offering Assistance) Genki I: p.153
本文 |
説明 |
In Lesson 5 we learned ましょう(か) meaning "Let's...." ましょうか is also used in the sense of "let me do...," in offering assistance. If you see somebody having a hard time opening the lid of a bottle for example, you can offer help by saying:
I'll do it. (=Shall I do it?)
Shall I carry your bag?
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 | shall I?; let me... |
文型 | V-stemましょうか |
例文 |
練習 |
表現ノート1. どうも Genki I: p.155
本文 |
説明 |
どうも is normally used with ありがとう, as in どうもありがとう (Thank you very much), or with すみません, as in どうもすみません (I am very sorry/Thank you very much). When used alone, it is an abbreviation of どうもありがとう or どうもすみません. Therefore, when you want to show your gratitude or regret, you can just say どうも instead of saying a long sentence.
Since you forgot your textbook, I'll lend you mine.
Thank you.
どうも functions in many ways, depending on the situation. Some people use どうも as "hello" or "good-bye." どうも、お久しぶりですね。
Hello, long time no see.
補足 | Wiktionary |
英訳 | thank you; sorry; hello; goodbye |
表現ノート2. お- Genki I: p.155
説明 |
Many words that begin with お can also be used without it. お in such words is an honorific prefix which simply adds smoothness and nuance of social refinement, without changing the meaning of the words.
お祭り (festival)
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Wiktionary |
英訳 | honorific/polite/humble prefix |
文型 | お+{N/A/ANa/V} |
Lesson 7: Family Picture (家族の写真) Genki I: p.170-175
Talk about families and friends
Describe how people are dressed and how they look
1. ~ている (Action in Progress) Genki I: p.170-171
本文 |
説明 |
The te-form of a verb that describes an action (e.g., 食べる、読む) together with the helping verb いる can be used to describe actions in progress. Action verbs + ている = action in progress ソラさんは今勉強しています。
Sora is studying right now.
Takeshi is reading a book in English.
What are you doing right now?
You can also use ~ています to describe what a person does habitually or by occupation. 私は英語を教えています。
I teach English. / I am teaching English (right now).
Mary studies Japanese every day.
The helping verb いる conjugates as a ru-verb, so it has the following long forms.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary | |||||||||
英訳 | ...-ing (as in doing, eating, etc.); (indicates habitual action) | |||||||||
文型 | Action verb+ている | |||||||||
例文 |
練習 |
2. ~ている (Result of a Change) Genki I: p.171-172
本文 |
説明 |
The te-form of a verb that describes a change from one state to another (e.g., 死ぬ、起きる) plus いる can be used to describe the result of a change (in certain contexts, action verbs can describe the result of a change). If you get married, or 結婚する, for example, your status changes from being single to being married. A change took place in the past, and its significance still remains even in the present moment. Change verbs + ている = result of a change 山下先生は結婚しています。
Professor Yamashita is married.
(=state resulting from getting married) ゆいさんは窓の近くに座っています。
Yui is seated near the window.
(=state resulting from seating herself there) Here are some more examples of verbs that are commonly used in the ~ている framework.
Note that verbs like 行く and 来る belong to the change class. Thus 行っている and 来ている indicate the result of prior movements, not movements that are currently in progress. You may want to be careful with what the following sentences mean. 中国に行っています
Somebody has gone to/is in China.
(Not: Somebody is going to China.) うちに来ています。
Somebody has come over to visit.
(Not: Somebody is coming over.) |
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
文型 | Change verb+ている | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
練習 |
3. Describing People Genki I: p.172-173
本文 |
説明 |
To describe somebody who has long hair, one could say:
Tom's hair is long.
Tom has long hair. (=As for Tom, he has long hair.)
文型 | nameさんはattributeがadjectiveです | ||||||||
例文 |
練習 |
4. Adjective/Noun Te-forms for Joining Sentences Genki I: p.173
本文 |
説明 |
い- and な-adjectives, and です after nouns also have te-forms, which can be used to combine two elements to form longer sentences. The te-form of an い-adjective is formed by replacing the final い with くて. The te-form of a な-adjective and a noun+です sequence is formed by adding で to the base or the noun.
The food at that restaurant is inexpensive and delicious.
The hotel was clean and we were happy.
Professor Yamashita is Japanese and he is about fifty years old.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary | ||||
例文 |
練習 |
5. Verb Stem+に行く/来る/帰る Genki I: p.174
本文 |
説明 |
If a person moves to another place in order to do something, we can describe their movement and its purpose like so:
The purpose of movement is a phrase consisting of a verb, its object, and so forth (some nouns like 買い物 can also be used). Verbs describing the purpose of movement must be in their stem forms. Stems are the part you get by removing ます from the present tense long form of verbs. stems: 食べる 食べ(ます) 読む 読み(ます) etc. デパートにかばんを買いに行きました。
I went to a department store to buy a bag.
Mary has come to Japan to study Japanese.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary | |||||
文型 | destination{に/へ}V-stemに{行く/来る/帰る} | |||||
例文 |
練習 |
6. Counting People Genki I: p.174-175
本文 |
説明 |
The counter for people in Japanese is 人, but "one person" and "two people" are irregular: 一人、二人.
To count people in a class, for example, you can add ~人 after the noun and the particle が to say: personがX人います 私のクラスに(は)インドネシア人の学生が一人います。
There is one Indonesian student in our class.
英訳 | X person/people |
文型 |
a. number+人 b. personがnumber+人います |
例文 |
練習 |
表現ノート1. 遊ぶ Genki I: p.175
説明 |
遊ぶ means "to play," "to spend time pleasantly," or "to pay a social call."
When I was a child, I often played with friends.
I went to Tokyo to have fun last weekend.
Please come and see us.
Note that "to play," as used below, requires different words.
補足 | Wiktionary | |||||||||
英訳 | to play; have a good time; meet up (with friends) |
表現ノート2. 知る/分かる Genki I: p.175
説明 | If you don't know the answer to a question but should have thought about it, you should say 分かりません instead of 知りません (see Lesson 4, Dialogue 2 for an example). 知りません in such a context would sound rude, implying that your ignorance on the matter is none of the inquirer's business. |
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Wiktionary |
英訳 |
知る = to know 分かる = to understand |
例文 |
Lesson 8: Barbecue (バーベキュー) Genki I: p.190-197
Talk casually
Express thoughts and opinions
Report someone's speech
Request not to do
Talk about things we like/dislike to do
1. Short Forms Genki I: p.190-191
本文 |
説明 |
The "short form," also called "plain form," "informal form," etc., is another important conjugation class that is used in casual speech and certain grammar constructs. Compare the long forms and the short forms below:
Ru-, u-, and irregular verbs all conjugate differently in the negative:
To make conjugating easy, think of the u-verb conjugation as moving up and down in the hiragana chart. Let's take 書く for example. The dictionary form of 書く is the combination of the verb base in the kanji 書 and the bottom hiragana of that row, く. 書きます is the combination of 書, き, and the ます ending on the right. 書かない is, 書, か, and ない.
補足 | Bunpro | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
例文 |
練習 |
2. Short Forms in Informal Speech Genki I: p.191-192
説明 |
Close friends or family members speak with each other using short forms at the end of sentences as a sign of intimacy. The use of long forms, in contrast, tends to imply the speaker's intention to "keep a proper distance" from the listener. Short forms, then, are like talking on a first-name basis, while long forms are like using "Mr." and "Ms."
It may not be easy to decide when it is appropriate to switch to short forms. Firstly, Japanese speakers are often very conscious of seniority. A year's difference in age may in many cases totally rule out the possibility of establishing a truly "equal" relationship. Secondly, license to use short forms is not mutual; seniors may feel perfectly justified in using short forms while expecting their juniors to continue addressing them with long forms. Thus, if somebody who is older, say, your Japanese language professor, talks to you using short forms, they would be greatly surprised if you were to do the same. Professor
(×うん、わかる。) (Long form preferred, because you are talking to somebody who is older than you) Professor
Do you know this kanji?
Yes, I do.
In casual conversations, particles are often dropped. One such particle, the question particle か, can be dropped, and rising intonation used instead to ask a question. In the written language, however, か is usually replaced with a question mark. どんな音楽を聞く? (×どんな音楽を聞くか。)
What kind of music do you listen to?
Also, in the spoken language, you usually drop the sentence-final だ after a な-adjective or a noun. (You keep the last だ in the written language, however.) A
(Rather than: 元気だ。) A
Are you good?
Yeah, I'm good.
(Rather than: メアリーさんは二年生だ。) Mary is a sophomore.
はい and いいえ are usually replaced by the more casual うん and ううん. A
Do you play sports often?
Yeah, I do. / Nah, I don't.
例文 |
練習 |
3. Short Forms in Quoted Speech (~と思います) Genki I: p.192-193
本文 |
説明 |
To describe what you're thinking, you use the short form, plus と思います (I think that...). と here acts as a quotation particle, which does that job of both the English word "that" in indirect quotation and of quotation marks (" ") in direct quotation.
I think Takeshi likes Mary.
I don't think Mary likes Takeshi. (=I think Mary doesn't like Takeshi.)
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 | I think that... |
文型 |
a. shortと思う = I think... b. short-negと思う = I don't think... |
例文 |
練習 |
4. Short Forms in Quoted Speech (~と言っていました) Genki I: p.193
本文 |
説明 |
To quote what a person said, you use the short form plus と言っていました (He/she said "..."). The tense of the original utterance is preserved in the quotation.
Yasmin said that there would be an exam tomorrow.
Professor Yamashita said that he is not married.
Benjamin Franklin once said "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail."
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Wiktionary |
英訳 | He/she said "..." |
文型 |
a. shortと{言っていました/言っていた} (if present during utterance) b. shortと{言いました/言った} (if not present during utterance) |
例文 |
練習 |
5. ~ないでください Genki I: p.194
本文 |
説明 |
To politely request that someone refrain from doing something, one can use a negative short form of a verb plus でください.
Please don't take pictures here.
ないでください is often a better response to a てもいいですか question than てはいけません due to its softer tone. てはいけません on the other hand has a harsher feel to it due to being used mainly by those in a position of authority or for prohibitory signs/rules. A
May I enter this room? B
Please don't.
_ Compare: 入ってはいけません。 (Implies that you are in a position of authority.) |
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 | Please don't... |
文型 | short-negでください |
例文 |
練習 |
6. Verbのが好きです/上手です Genki I: p.194-195
本文 |
説明 |
The short form of a verb + の turns that verb into a noun describing an action. Combining this with ~が好きです/~が嫌いです, for example, lets you describe what you like/dislike doing.
I like studying the Japanese language.
I dislike cleaning my room.
If you want to say that one is "good/bad at doing something," you can use ~が上手です (is good at...) and ~が下手です (is bad at...). ロバートさんは料理を作るのが上手です。
Robert is good at cooking meals.
Takeshi is not good at speaking English.
I am good at/comfortable with speaking Japanese.
I am bad at/uncomfortable with swimming.
To summarize:
×Takeshi is bad at speak English. |
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary | |||||
英訳 |
~のが好きです = likes doing... ~のが嫌いです = dislikes doing... ~のが上手です = is good at doing... ~のが下手です = is bad at doing... ~のが得意です = is good/comfortable with... ~のがにくいです = is bad/uncomfortable with... |
文型 | personはaction verbのが{好き/嫌い/上手/下手/得意/にくい}です | |||||
練習 |
7. The Subject Particle が Genki I: p.195-196
本文 |
説明 |
Consider what ロバートさんは沖縄に行きました means. This sentence of course is about Robert and describes what he did. It is likely to be uttered when the topic of Robert has already been broached. Grammatically speaking, (1) the noun ロバート stands as the subject in relation to the verb 行く (he was the person who performed the going), and (2) the noun is, per the function of the particle は, presented as the topic of the sentence (as for Robert, he went to Okinawa). What if we both know that somebody went to Okinawa recently, and I know that it was Robert, but you don't? I would say: ロバートさんが沖縄に行きました。
ROBERT went to Okinawa.
Questions words like 誰 and 何 in the subject of a sentence are followed by が rather than は.
Who went to Okinawa? Compare: ×だれは沖縄に行きましたか。
Which class is (the most) interesting?
Japanese class is.
Who wears glasses (in this class)?
Professor Yamashita does.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
文型 | {QW/subject/new information}が~ |
練習 |
8. 何か and 何も Genki I: p.196
本文 |
説明 |
The word for "something" in Japanese is 何か, and the word for "anything" in negative sentences is 何も.
補足 | Bunpro Wiktionary | ||||||||||||
英訳 |
何か = something; anything (questions) 何も+negative = (not) anything; nothing |
文型 |
a. 何か~ b. 何も~{~ません/~ない} |
例文 |
練習 |
表現ノート1. ~する Genki I: p.197
本文 |
説明 |
Most irregular verbs are compounds of nouns and the verb する. So, if you have learned an irregular verb, you have also learned a noun. These types of nouns are often referred to as "Verbal Nouns," as they can be used to describe an action when used with する.
Compare: 私は日本語を勉強しました。 I studied Japanese.
Compare: たけしさんは部屋を掃除しました。 Takeshi cleaned his room.
I like studying Japanese. |
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary | |||||||||
英訳 | verbalizing suffix | |||||||||
文型 | VN+する |
表現ノート2. 遅い/遅く Genki I: p.197
本文 |
説明 |
Although both 遅い and 遅く mean "late," they have different usages, since 遅い is an adjective and 遅く is an adverb. 遅い modifies nouns or works as a predicate, and 遅く modifies verbs.
I went to bed at one o'clock yesterday.
It's late.
On weekends, I get up around 10:00 and eat a late breakfast.
I went to bed late yesterday.
補足 | Wiktionary |
英訳 |
遅い = late; slow 早い = early; fast |
文型 |
a. {遅い/早い}+{N/です} b. {遅く/早く}+V |
Lesson 9: Kabuki (かぶき) Genki I: p.214-218
Talk casually about the things that happened in the past
Express thoughts and opinions about past events
Report someone's speech
Order food at a restaurant or shop
Give reasons
1. Past Tense Short Forms Genki I: p.214
本文 |
説明 |
The past tense short form has eight forms, but you only need to learn three rules.
補足 | Bunpro | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
例文 |
練習 |
2. Past Tense Short Forms in Informal Speech Genki I: p.214-215
説明 |
Short form predicates in the past tense can be used in the same way as the present tense forms. Note that the question particle か is dropped in informal speech and replaced by a question mark in the written language.
Did you have breakfast this morning?
Yeah, I did. / Nah, I didn't.
Unlike だ in the present tense, だった is not dropped in informal speech. A
Were you busy last week?
Nah, I wasn't. I had time to kill. (=I had free time.)
例文 |
練習 |
3. Past Tense Short Forms in Quoted Speech (~と思います) Genki I: p.215
説明 | As in the present tense, you use the short form in the past tense with ~と思います (I think) to report what you think took place in the past. |
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 | I think that... |
文型 |
a. short-pastと思う = I think... b. short-neg-pastと思う = I don't think... |
例文 |
練習 |
4. Past Tense Short Forms in Quoted Speech (~と言っていました) Genki I: p.215-216
本文 |
説明 |
If you heard somebody utter a sentence in the past tense, you can report it with the short form past tense with ~と言っていました.
Yasmin said that she didn't eat lunch.
Yasmin said that she was having dinner.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Wiktionary |
英訳 | He/She said "..." |
文型 |
a. short-pastと{言っていました/言っていた} (if present during utterance) b. short-pastと{言いました/言った} (if not present during utterance) |
例文 |
練習 |
5. Qualifying Nouns with Verbs and Adjectives Genki I: p.216
本文 |
説明 |
The following table shows various forms of noun modification. The phrases in the left qualify (or "describe") the noun 人 (person) to the right. Example 1 is a straightforward adjectival modification. Example 2 contains a phrase describing a person's attribute (Lesson 7), and Example 3 has a な-adjective with a grammatical object (Lesson 5). Example 4 has a verb in the short form (Lesson 8).
Here we focus on a verb + ている, which is very frequently used as noun modifiers, describing people on the basis of their current actions and states. A
Which person is Yui?
The person who is reading a book over there.
The student taking pictures over there is Robert.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Wiktionary | ||||||||||||||||||||
文型 | {adjective/verb/sentence}+noun | ||||||||||||||||||||
例文 |
練習 |
6. もう~ました and まだ~ていません Genki I: p.217
本文 |
説明 |
You can use the affirmative past tense of a verb ~ました both (1) to talk about an event that happened at a certain time in the past (きのう, yesterday, for example), just like did in English, and also (2) to talk about a past event that still has an effect at present, just like have done in English (used with adverbs like もう, already, for example).
(1) きのう宿題をしました。
I did the homework yesterday.
(2) もう宿題をしました。
I have already done the homework.
(1) きのう宿題をしませんでした。
I did not do the homework yesterday.
(2) まだ宿題をしていません。
I have not done the homework yet.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 |
もう~ました = have already... まだ~ていません = have not...yet |
文型 |
a. もう~ました b. まだ~ていません |
練習 |
7. Explanationから、Situation Genki I: p.217-218
本文 |
説明 |
In Lesson 6, we learned how to say "because" by adding ~から to the end of a sentence.
I didn't have breakfast. (Because) I was busy.
=situation, because explanation. =explanation; therefore, situation. あした試験があるから、今晩勉強します。
I will study this evening, because we will have an exam tomorrow.
(=We will have an exam tomorrow; therefore, I will study this evening.) 寒かったから、出かけませんでした。
We didn't go out, because it was cold.
(=It was cold; therefore, we didn't go out.) かぶきのチケットがありますから、一緒に見に行きましょう。
Let's go to see Kabuki. I have tickets.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 | because; since |
文型 | explanationから、situation |
練習 |
Lesson 10: Winter Vacation Plans (冬休みの予定) Genki I: p.234-238
Compare things and people
Talk about future plans
Describe changes in states
Talk about means of transportation and the time required
Ask about tours and make reservations
1. Comparison between Two Items (AのほうがBより) Genki I: p.234
本文 |
説明 |
In Japanese, adjectives do not change form in comparative sentences; there is no alteration as in "great/greater." You can express the idea of comparison by framing a sentence like so: Aのほうが Bより (property)。 = A is more (property) than B. 中国のほうが日本より大きいです。
China is larger than Japan.
If you want to ask a question comparing two items, you can say: AとBと {どちら/どっち}のほうが (property)。 = Between A and B, which is more (property)? So a typical exchange looks like this: A
Which is colder, Japan or Canada?
Canada is colder.
Which is colder, Japan or Canada?
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 |
Xのほうが… = X is more... より = than どちら/どっち = which one |
文型 |
a. AのほうがBよりproperty。 = A is more (property) than B. b. AとBと{どちら/どっち}のほうがproperty。 = Between A and B, which is more (property)? |
練習 |
2. Comparison among Three or More Items (~の中で) Genki I: p.234-235
説明 |
In comparison among three or more items, the degree qualifier 一番 is used. AとBとCの中でAが一番(property)。 = A is the most (property) among (the group of items). A
Among Canada, France, and Japan, which country has the coldest climate?
Canada is the coldest, I think.
What season do you like best?
I like fall the most.
Which do you like best, apples, tangerines, or cherries?
What fruit do you like best?
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 |
~の中で = among...; out of... 一番 = the best; the most |
文型 |
a. AとBとCの中で{A/B/C}が一番property。= {A/B/C} is the most (property) [among (the group of items)]. b. AとBとCの中でQWが一番propertyですか。= Among A, B, and C, {what/which/who/etc.} is the most (property)? |
練習 |
3. Adjective/Noun+の Genki I: p.235-236
本文 |
説明 |
When a noun follows an adjective, and when it's clear what you are referring to, you can replace the noun with the indefinite noun の, "one," to avoid repetition. の mostly stands for things; not people.
I have a black sweater. I have a red one, too. (one=sweater)
I have a lot of cakes. Take the ones you like. (one=cake)
{い/な}-adjective + noun {い/な}-adjective + の You can also use の in the sense of "mine," "yours," and so forth, referring to things owned by a person, or characterized by a place name, for example. A
Is this Sora's bag?
No, that is Mary's.
American cars are larger than Japanese ones.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro |
英訳 |
{adjective/noun}の = one (i.e., red one, that one, etc.) personの = mine; yours; 's (indicates possessive) |
文型 | {adjective/noun}+の |
練習 |
4. ~つもりだ Genki I: p.236
本文 |
説明 |
つもり follows verbs in the present tense short forms to describe what a person is planning to do in the future. You can also use a verb in the negative plus つもり to describe what you are planning not to do, or what you do not intend to do. verb (short, present) + つもりだ = (I) intend to do... (私は)週末にたけしさんとテニスをするつもりです。
I intend to play tennis with Takeshi this weekend.
Professor Yamashita does not intend to come to school tomorrow.
We were planning to visit a temple, but we didn't, because the weather was not good.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 | (I) intend/plan to... |
文型 | short+つもり{だ/です} |
例文 |
練習 |
5. Adjective+なる Genki I: p.236-237
本文 |
説明 |
The verb なる means "to become," indicating a change. なる follows nouns and both types of adjectives.
Studying the Japanese language is fun now (though it was like torture before).
I have grown fond of studying the Japanese language.
When you use an adjective with なる, you may be describing an absolute change (e.g., "it has become warm, hence it is not cold any more") or a relative change (e.g., "it has become warmer, but it is still cold"). If you want to make clear that you are talking in relative terms, you can use the pattern for comparison together with なる. メアリーさんは前より日本語が上手になりました。
Mary has become better at Japanese than before.
補足 | Bunpro Wiktionary | |||||||||||||||
英訳 | to become...; to get... | |||||||||||||||
文型 |
a. A-stem+くなる b. {ANa/N}+になる |
例文 |
練習 |
6. どこかに/どこにも Genki I: p.237
本文 |
説明 |
In Lesson 8 we learned the Japanese expressions for "something" and "not...anything," 何か and 何も. As you must have noticed, these expressions are made up of the question word for things, 何, plus the particle か and も. Other expressions for "some" and "any" in Japanese follow this pattern, as shown below.
Did you go anywhere?
No, I didn't go anywhere.
Did you see anybody?
No, I didn't see anybody.
(を is not used.) A
Did you do anything?
No, I didn't do anything.
補足 | Bunpro Wiktionary | ||||||
英訳 |
どこか = somewhere; anywhere どこにも+negative = nowhere; not anywhere |
文型 |
a. どこか~ b. どこにも~{~ません/~ない} |
練習 |
7. で Genki I: p.238
本文 |
説明 |
The particle で can be used to describe the means by which someone/something does something.
We eat our meals with chopsticks.
Let's talk in Japanese.
I went to the station by bus.
I saw a movie on TV.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 | by; with; in; on |
文型 | Nで{V/S} |
練習 |
表現ノート1. ~てくる Genki I: p.238
本文 |
説明 | In the dialogue, Mary tells Takeshi that she will get a souvenir for him during her trip to Hokkaido. You can use the te-form of a verb (買って in this example) + くる to describe an action performed somewhere else, followed by a movement back to your current location. |
補足 | Bunpro |
英訳 | to do ... and come back |
文型 | ~てくる |
例文 |
表現ノート2. ~が/~けど Genki I: p.238
本文 |
説明 |
が and けど (but) are sometimes used at the end of a sentence when we want who we're speaking to, to treat what we have just said as a given, common ground to build upon. These words often indicate the speaker's intention to give his/her partner a chance to react and respond. By relegating the right to speak to another, he/she also contributes to the politeness of one's utterance. In the dialogue, the hotel employee lays out the relevant information on the table; there are two tours, one on Saturday and another on Sunday. が attached to her sentence indicates that she wants to build upon, and move forward with, these pieces of information. Instead of asking the obvious question, namely, どちらがいいですか, the hotel employee chooses not to finish her sentence, and lets her customer come forward with an answer immediately. |
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 | but... |
文型 | S+{が/けど} |
例文 |
Lesson 11: After the Vacation (休みのあと) Genki I: p.258-261
Express what we want to do
Talk about our experiences
Introduce friends to each other
Ask and talk about hometowns
1. ~たい Genki I: p.258-263
本文 |
説明 |
You can use the stem of a verb (the verb form that goes before ます) + たいです to describe your hope or aspiration.
I want to see a film this weekend.
I want to go to China someday.
As you can see in the first example above, a verb that usually takes the particle を can have either the particle を or が when it is followed by たい. Particles other than を remain the same, as in the second example, which has に. たい conjugates as an い-adjective. Here are some examples of negative and past tense たい sentences. あの人には会いたくないです。
I don't want to see that person.
I went to a convenience store, because I wanted to buy a boxed lunch.
If your wish is one you have held for some time, that is, if you "have wanted to," you can use たいと思っています instead of たいです. 留学したいと思っています。
I've wanted to study abroad.
You usually do not use たいです to describe wishes held by others. Somebody else's wishes are usually reported in Japanese either as quotations, observations, or guesses. So if you want to say that somebody other than you wants to do something, you can use と言っていました with たい. メアリーさんはチベットに行きたいと言っていました。
Mary said she wanted to go to Tibet.
To describe your observation to the effect that somebody wants to do something, you must use a special verb たがっている instead of たい. If a verb takes the particle を, the derived verb たがっている will retain を, unlike たい, with which we had a choice between the particles が and を. メアリーさんは着物を着たがっています。
(It seems) Mary wants to wear a kimono.
To summarize:
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary | ||||
英訳 |
~たい = I want to...; Do you want to...? (when used in questions) ~たがっている = He/She wants to... |
文型 |
a. V-stem+たい b. V-stem+たがっている |
例文 |
練習 |
2. ~たり~たりする Genki I: p.259-260
本文 |
説明 |
You already know that you can connect two clauses with the te-form of predicates, as in:
In Osaka, I will do some shopping and eat dinner.
In Osaka, I will do such things as shopping and eating dinner.
verb (short, past) + り、verb (short, past) + り + (する) = do such things as this and that To get the たり form of a predicate (したり and 食べたり in the example above), you just add り to the past tense short form of a predicate (した and 食べた). The helping verb する at the end of the sentence indicates the tense of the sentence. You can change a ~たり~たりする sentence into the past tense, or incorporate it into a bigger sentence, by working on the helping verb part. 週末は、勉強したり、友達と話したりしました。
I studied and talked with my friends, among other things, over the weekend.
I like dancing, listening to music, and so forth.
If ~たり~たりする does not come at the end of the sentence and the predicate is an adjective, する can be omitted. 歌ったり踊ったり(して)とても楽しかったです。
We did things like singing and dancing, and it was a lot of fun.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 | do such things as ~ and ~; do things like ~ and ~; sometimes ~ and sometimes ~ |
文型 | short-past+り、short-past+り(する) |
例文 |
練習 |
3. ~ことがある Genki I: p.260
本文 |
説明 |
The past tense short form of a verb + ことがある describes that you did something, or something happened, in earlier times.
I have had the experience of climbing Mt. Fuji.
Takeshi has never been absent from classes (in his life).
verb (short, past, affirmative) + ことがある = have the experience of... If somebody asks you a question using ことがありますか, you can just say あります/ありません or repeat the whole verbal complex (行ったことがあります/行ったことがありません), but not ことがあります without a verb. A
(×はい、ことがあります。) A
Have you ever been to Europe?
Yes, I have.
補足 |
Dictionary of Japanese Grammar
英訳 | I have.../have you...?; have had the experience of...; there was a time when... |
文型 | short-past-affirmative+ことがある |
練習 |
4. Noun AやNoun B Genki I: p.261
本文 |
説明 |
や connects two nouns, as does と. や suggests that the things referred to are proposed as examples, and that you are not citing an exhaustive list in much the same way that たり in Grammar 2 suggests that the two verbs are used as examples. AやB = A and B, for example 京都や奈良に行きました。
I went to Kyoto and Nara (for example, and may have visited other places as well).
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 | and (for example); such things as... |
文型 | N1やN2 |
例文 |
練習 |
表現ノート1. は+negative Genki I: p.262
説明 |
In negative sentences, you often find the particle は where you would expect to see が or を. Observe the reply sentences in the dialogues below:
Do you watch TV, Professor Yamashita?
No, I don't.
Do you like coffee?
No, I don't.
The rule of thumb is that negative Japanese sentences tend to contain at least one は phrase. If you add 私は to the sentences above, the need for は is already fullfilled, and therefore Japanese speakers feel much less compelled to use は after テレビ and コーヒー. は may also follow particles like で and に. 英語では話したくないです。
I don't want to speak in English.
I have never been to Hiroshima.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Wiktionary |
英訳 | adds emphasis |
文型 | は~negative |
表現ノート2. だけ Genki I: p.262
本文 |
説明 |
You can add だけ to numbers to talk about having just (or "only") that many items. だけ implies that you have something up to the amount needed, but not more than that.
I have met that person just once.
I have just one question.
I slept for just thirty minutes.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 | just; only |
文型 | numberだけ |
表現ノート3. に Genki I: p.262
説明 |
The particle に can be used to indicate the occasion on which you do something.
I ate salad at dinner.
に can also indicate the role you want something to play. おみやげに絵葉書を買いました。
I bought a postcard as a souvenir.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 | at; on; as |
文型 |
a. Nに~ = ...at; ...on b. N1にN2 = N2 as N1 |
表現ノート4. ドライブ Genki I: p.263
本文 |
説明 |
ドライブ is used when you go somewhere by car for pleasure. To say "to have a drive" or "to go for a drive," use ドライブに行く or ドライブする.
I went for a drive to the lake.
When you simply want to say "to drive a car" (not necessarily for pleasure), use 運転する instead. 日本で車を運転したことがありますか。
Have you ever driven a car in Japan?
補足 | Wiktionary |
英訳 | to (go for a) drive |
文型 | ドライブ{に行く/する} |
表現ノート5. 夢 Genki I: p.263
説明 | 夢, like the English word "dream," has two meanings. One is the dream you have while sleeping and the other is the dream that you wish would come true. To say "I have a dream," in Japanese, you use the verb 見る for sleeping dreams, and 持っている or ある for your visions/aspirations. |
補足 | Wiktionary |
英訳 |
夢 = dream 夢を見る = to dream; have a dream (of sleep) 夢を持っている/夢がある = to have a dream (of aspiration) |
例文 |
表現ノート6. には Genki I: p.263
説明 |
The particle は often follows the particle に in sentences describing a place in terms of the things that are found there.
(1) 東京にはデパートがたくさんあります。
(2) 東京にデパートがたくさんあります。 There are many department stores in Tokyo.
See the grammar note discussing the difference between が and は in Lesson 8. In the case of the particle に, the contrast is between the simple に and the combination には. (See also the grammar note on counting people in Lesson 7.) |
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Wiktionary |
英訳 | in; at; on; to |
Lesson 12: Feeling Ill (病気) Genki I: p.276-281
Give and ask for an explanation
Complain about something being too much
Express what we have to do
Describe symptoms of illness
Give advice
1. ~んです Genki I: p.276
本文 |
説明 |
There are two distinct ways to make a statement in Japanese. One way is to simply report the facts as they are observed. This is the mode of speech that we have learned thus far. In this lesson, we will learn a new way: the mode of explaining things. short form (verbs/adjectives/nouns) + んです = explanation in terms of the verbs/adjectives/nouns When you are late for an appointment, because the bus did not come on time, you could simply and blunty report the fact by saying バスが来ませんでした, but you can sound more apologetic if you offer that as an explanation for your being late. You can say: バスが来なかったんです。
(As it happens,) the bus didn't come.
I have an exam tomorrow. (a simple observation)
I have an exam tomorrow. (So that's why I can't go out tonight.)
I want to go to the bathroom. (declaration of one's wish)
I want to go to the bathroom. (So tell me where it is.) 成績がよくないんです。(in response to the question "Why do you look so upset?")
(As a matter of fact) My grade is not good.
試験が終わったんです。 (explaining to a person who has caught you smiling)
The exam is over. (That's why I'm smiling.)
When it follows a noun or a な-adjective in the present tense affirmative, な comes in between.
Why did you break up with your boyfriend? (You've got to tell me.)
Oh, him. He never takes a bath. (That's a good enough reason, isn't it?)
What happened? (You look shattered.)
My cat died. (That should explain how I look today.)
You can also use んです to provide an additional comment on what has just been said. A
That's a cute notebook.
You bet. I bought it in Japan (for your information).
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary | |||||||||
英訳 | The explanation is that ~; The reason is that ~; The fact is that ~; It is that ~ | |||||||||
文型 |
a. {short/A}+{ん/の}{です/だ} b. {noun/ANa}な+{ん/の}{です/だ} |
練習 |
2. ~すぎる Genki I: p.278
本文 |
説明 |
The helping verb すぎる, which means "too much" or "to excess," can be added to the end of a verb's stem to describe doing something excessively or someone/something that is in an excessive state. すぎる conjugates as a ru-verb.
I got up too early.
You must not eat too much.
(高い) この本は高すぎます。
This book is too expensive.
(静かな) この町は静かすぎます。
This town is too quiet.
I slept too much yesterday.
Ugh, I think I ate too much...
verb stem/adjective stem + すぎ(る) = ...too much You use すぎる when something is beyond normal or proper, suggesting that you do not welcome it. Thus 親切すぎます (too kind) for example is not a straightforward compliment. Use modifiers like とても and すごく if you simply want to say that something is in a high degree. |
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 | too (much); over- (e.g. eating); to excess |
文型 | {V-stem/A-stem}+すぎ(る) |
練習 |
3. ~ほうがいいです Genki I: p.278
本文 |
説明 |
ほうがいいです "it is better (for you) to do..." is a sentence-final expression which you can use to give advice. ほうがいいです follows a verb in the short form. You usually use the past tense of a verb with ほうがいいです if the verb is in the affirmative. When the advice is in the negative, however, the verb is in the present tense. verb (short, past, affirmative) verb (short, present, negative) + ほうがいいです = It is better to... It is better not to... もっと野菜を食べたほうがいいですよ。
You'd better eat more vegetables.
It is better not to skip classes.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro |
英訳 | it is better to...; had better...; should... |
文型 |
a. short-past-affirmative+ほうがいい(です) = It is better to... b. short-present-negative+ほうがいい(です) = It is better not to... |
例文 |
練習 |
4. ~ので Genki I: p.279
本文 |
説明 |
ので, which is the te-form of のだ, can be used to give the reason for the situation described in the sentence. Semantically, ので is very similar to から. Stylistically, ので sounds slightly more formal than から and is used extensively in the written language. (reason)ので、(situation)。= (situation), because (reason). いつも日本語で話すので、日本語が上手になりました。
My Japanese has improved, because I always speak Japanese.
I did not sleep last night, because I had a lot of homework.
The reason part of a ので sentence is usually in the short form, but can be in the long form as well to increase the level of formality. When ので follows a な-adjective or a noun in a present tense affirmative clause, な comes in between, as it does with the explanatory predicate んです. その人はいじわるなので、きらいです。
(Compare: いじわるだから) I do not like that person, because he is mean.
(Compare: 日曜日だから) Banks are closed, because today is a Sunday.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 | because; since; so |
文型 |
a. Vので~ b. {ANa/N}なので~ |
例文 |
練習 |
5. ~なければいけません/~なきゃいけません Genki I: p.279-280
本文 |
説明 |
なければいけません and なきゃいけません are used to say that it is necessary to do something, or "must." The なければ variant is more formal and often seen in the written language, while the なきゃ variant is very colloquial and is mainly found in the spoken language.
I have to study, because there will be an exam.
なければ and なきゃ mean "if you do not do..." and いけません roughly means "you cannot go"; なければいけません and なきゃいけません therefore literally mean "you cannot go not doing..." with the double negatives giving rise to the affirmative sense of the mandate. な in なければ and なきゃ comes from the negative ない. Just drop the last い and replace it with ければ or きゃ.
(long form, past) I had to get up at six this morning.
(short form, present) I must clean the room, because my girlfriend is coming.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary | |||||||||||||||
英訳 | have to; must; need | |||||||||||||||
文型 |
a. short-neg - ない + {なければいけません/なきゃいけません} (long form) b. short-neg - ない + {なければいけない/なきゃ(いけない)} (short form) |
例文 |
練習 |
6. ~でしょう(か) Genki I: p.280-281
本文 |
説明 |
If you ask somebody a question that they do not know the answer to, they may be embarrassed. You can avoid such awkward situations by phrasing the question using でしょうか, which adds a note of tentativeness and politeness.
Do you think it will rain tomorrow?
I think it will.
でしょう means "probably" and indicates the speaker's conjecture which is not based on any particular information or evidence. By asking a でしょうか question, you are implying that you think the listener probably has a better-informed opinion, which you would appreciate. でしょうか follows short form predicates (affirmative or negative, present or past). When it follows a noun or a な-adjective in a present tense affirmative sentence, it directly follows them, without だ in between. 来週は暖かいでしょうか。
Do you think that it will be warm next week?
(×野菜だでしょうか) Is a tomato a vegetable?
Have I told you about this already?
You can use the non-interrogative でしょう to make a quess. Adding たぶん earlier in the sentence indicates that it is a guess. たぶんあしたは寒くないでしょう。
It probably won't be cold tomorrow.
I will probably go to Japan next year.
John, you understand Chinese, right? Can you read this for me?
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 |
(たぶん)~でしょう = probably でしょうか/でしょ? = don't you think?; right?; I wonder if...? |
文型 |
a. short+{でしょ(う)/だろ(う)}(か) b. たぶん~short+{でしょ(う)/だろ(う)} |
練習 |
表現ノート1. うーん Genki I: p.281
説明 | うーん, with the prolonged う syllable, indicates reflection and hesitation. It is often used when you cannot make up your mind or when you are about to give an answer which may be unfavorable to the person you are talking with. |
英訳 | umm...; uh...; hmm... |
例文 |
Lesson 13: Looking for a Part-time Job (アルバイト探し) Genki II: p.22-32
Say what we can or cannot do
Give several reasons
Express first impressions
Talk about part-time job experience
1. Potential Verbs Genki II: p.26-28
本文 |
説明 |
The Potential form of verbs is used to say that someone "can" or "has the ability to" do something, or that something is "possible."
I can speak Japanese.
(The truth is) I cannot swim.
We could not go to the beach, because it rained.
Potential verbs
You can think of the u-verb conjugation in terms of a hiragana table:
• ru-verbs: Drop the final -ru and add -rareru. 見る (mi-ru) 見られる (mi-rare-ru) • u-verbs: Drop the final -u and add -eru. 行く (ik-u) 行ける (ik-eru) 話す 話せる 待つ 待てる 死ぬ 死ねる 読む 読める 作る 作れる 泳ぐ 泳げる 遊ぶ 遊べる 買う 買える • irregular verbs: くる こられる する できる
The potential verbs for ru-verbs are longer than those for u-verbs. (Compare 見られる to 見る, and 乗れる to 乗る.) There are actually shorter, alternative potential verbs for ru-verbs and the irregular くる, which use the suffix -れる, instead of -られる. These ら-less forms were once considered substandard, but are now used without hesitation by most speakers.
With and without ら
Please note, however, that the ら-less forms are still not officially sanctioned by school grammar. So, Grammar and spell checking apps will suggest rewrites for these ら-less forms.
Potential verbs themselves conjugate as regular ru-verbs. The table below summarizes the conjugation patterns for potential verbs.
Conjugation of potential verbs
Verbs that take the particle を can take either を or が when they are turned into the potential, as in the first sentence above. できる, the potential counterpart of the verb する, is somewhat special, however, and takes が almost all the time. All particles other than を remain the same when the verb is turned into the potential form.
Particles in potential sentences
• verbs with を: 漢字を読む 漢字{が/を}読める • する―できる: 仕事をする 仕事ができる (仕事をできる is much less commonly used.) • verbs with particles other than を: 山に登る 山に登れる (No particle change involved.) You can also express the idea of "can do" using a more complex construction: verb dictionary form + ことができる. Unlike with potential verbs, the original を is preserved when you have a verb that takes を in the ことができる construction.
(Compare: ギターが弾けます) Mary can play the guitar.
(Compare: 犬が飼えません) You cannot keep dogs in this apartment.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
文型 |
a. {が/を}V-potential b. ~ができる c. short-affirmativeことができる |
練習 |
2. ~し Genki II: p.28-29
本文 |
説明 |
As we learned in Lesson 9, to give the reason for something, we can use the conjunction から.
I really like my Japanese class, because Japanese is interesting.
(reason1)し、(reason2)し、(situation)。 = (situation), because (reason1) and (reason2). 日本語はおもしろいし、先生はいいし、私は日本語の授業が大好きです。
I really like my Japanese class, because Japanese is interesting, and our teacher is good.
Do you want to go back home?
No. Life here in Japan is good, and I have good friends here, so I don't want to go back.
Life in this city is easygoing. Things are inexpensive, for one thing.
You can also add the し clauses in a separate sentence, providing reasons for the situation just mentioned. 山下先生はいい先生です。教えるのが上手だし、親切だし。
Professor Yamashita is a great teacher. He is good at teaching, and he is kind.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary | |||||||||
英訳 | and; what’s more; not only ~ but also ~; because; so | |||||||||
文型 |
a. {V1/A1}し(、{V2/A2}し) b. {N1/ANa1}だし(、{N2/ANa2}だし) |
練習 |
3. ~そうです (It looks like...) Genki II: p.29-30
本文 |
説明 |
そうです can be added to い- and な-adjective bases to say that something "seemingly" has those properties. When we say ~そうです, we are guessing what something is like based on our impressions.
This apple looks delicious.
It looks like the weather will be fine tomorrow.
Mary looks like she was doing well.
It looks like this sweater is washable at home.
It looks like it will rain.
い-adjectives: おいしい おいしそうです (exception) いい よさそうです な-adjectives: 元気(な) 元気そうです verbs: 降ります 降りそうです You can use そうです with negative adjectives and verbs, too. The negative ending ない is changed to なさ before そう. この本は難しくなさそうです。
This book does not look difficult.
It does not look like Sora is good at tennis.
It does not look like it will snow.
This book does not look difficult.
It does not look like Sora is good at tennis.
It does not look like it will snow.
You can use the {adjective/verb} + そう combination to qualify a noun. そう is a な-adjective, so when we modify a noun with it we say そうな before the noun. 暖かそうなセーターを着ています。
She is wearing a warm-looking sweater.
There's a child over there who looks like she's about to cry.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 | look; look like; appear; seem; feel like |
文型 |
a. {V-stem/A-stem/ANa}+そう{です/だ} = looks like... b. neg - ない + なさそう{です/だ} = does not look like... c. {V-stem/A-stem/ANa}+そうじゃない(です) = does not look like... |
練習 |
4. ~てみる Genki II: p.30
本文 |
説明 |
You can use the te-form of a verb plus the helping verb みる to express the idea of "doing something tentatively," or "trying something." You are not sure what the outcome of your action will be, but you dare to do it and see what effect it might have.
I did not know the kanji, so I tried asking a Japanese friend of mine.
This book was interesting.
Okay, I will take a look at it.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 | do something and see; try to do something |
文型 | ~てみる |
例文 |
練習 |
5. なら Genki II: p.31
本文 |
説明 |
You can say "X (noun) なら Y (predicate)" when you think that the predicate Y applies only to X and is not more generally valid. The main idea of a なら sentence, in other words, are contrast (as in Situation 1) and limitation (as in Situation 2). Situation 1 A
Have you ever been to Brazil?
I've been to Chile, but never to Brazil.
(If the question were about Chile, yes, but Brazil no.) Situation 2 A
Can you read Japanese?
If it is (written) in hiragana, yes.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 | if it is true that; if it is the case that; if; would; could |
文型 | Nなら |
例文 |
練習 |
6. 一週間に三回 (periodにfrequency) Genki II: p.31-32
本文 |
説明 |
You can describe the frequency of events over a period of time by using the following framework. (period) に (frequency) = (frequency) per (period) A
How many times a week do you shampoo?
I shampoo three times a week.
補足 | Bunpro |
英訳 | per; a |
文型 | periodにfrequency |
例文 |
練習 |
表現ノート1. Verbs for Playing Musical Instruments Genki II: p.32
説明 |
Different verbs are used to express the playing of different musical instruments. For stringed and keyboard instruments:
to play the guitar
to play the piano サックスを吹く
to play the saxophone
to play the drum
When referring to musical instruments in general, やる and できる (for potential) are usually used. 何か楽器ができますか。
Can you play any instruments.
Do you play any instruments.
英訳 |
弾く = to play (a stringed instrument); to strum 吹く = to play (a wind instrument); to blow 叩く = to play (a percussion instrument); to beat やる = to play (an instrument); to do できる = can play (an instrument); can do |
文型 |
a. instrumentを{引く/吹く/叩く/やる} b. instrumentができる |
例文 |
表現ノート2. ~く/~に (Using Adjectives as Adverbs) Genki II: p.32
説明 | Both い-adjectives and な-adjectives can modify verbs as adverbs. With い-adjectives, the final い is replaced by く. With な-adjectives, に is added. |
文型 |
a. A-stem+く b. ANa+に |
例文 |
Lesson 14: Valentine's Day (バレンタインデー) Genki II: p.46-56
Express what we want
Talk about uncertain things
Give and receive presents
Talk about Valentine's Day and special days
1. ほしい Genki II: p.50-51
本文 |
説明 |
ほしい means "(I) want (something)." ほしい follows the い-adjective conjugation pattern. The object of desire is usually followed by the particle が. In negative sentences, the particle は is also used.
I want a good grade.
When I was young, I wanted a Pokémon game.
Do you want a present?
No, I don't.
(私は) X が ほしい = I want X ほしい is like the たい suffix (I want to do...) for verbs, and its use is mostly limited to the first person, the speaker. So, we use ほしい to say "I want this" but not for "Mary wants that." To talk about somebody else's wishes or desires, you either quote that person's expression of desire, or you describe it as your guess. ヤスミンさんは新しいスマホがほしいと言っています。
Yasmin says she wants a new phone.
Ami probably doesn't want a stuffed animal.
(I understand that) Nanami wants to study English.
(I understand that) Carlos wants a friend.
昼ご飯が食べたい。 (not 昼ご飯がほしい) 旅行に行きたい。 (not 旅行がほしい)
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 | want (something) |
文型 | Xがほしい = I want X |
練習 |
2. ~かもしれません Genki II: p.51-52
本文 |
説明 |
かもしれません means that something is a "possibility." You can use it when you think that something may be the case. When you say かもしれません, you are less sure about the state of affairs than when you say でしょう. There are stylistic variants of かもしれません: in casual speech, you say かもしれない or just かも. short form + かもしれません = Maybe... You can add かもしれません to the short forms of predicates, in the affirmative and in the negative, in the present as well as the past tense. あしたは雨が降るかもしれません。
It may rain tomorrow.
Suzuki is perhaps taller than Tanaka.
The weather may not be good tomorrow.
Robert may have been a bully when he was a kid.
ウデイさんはインド人だ。 ウデイさんはインド人かもしれません。
Uday is an Indian. Uday may be an Indian.
山下先生は犬が嫌いだ。 山下先生は犬が嫌いかもしれません。
Professor Yamashita doesn't like dogs. Professor Yamashita may not like dogs. |
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 | might; maybe; perhaps |
文型 | short+かもしれない |
練習 |
3. あげる/くれる/もらう Genki II: p.52-53
本文 |
説明 |
Japanese has two verbs for giving: くれる and あげる. The choice between the pair depends on the direction of the transaction. Imagine a set of concentric spheres of relative psychological distances, with me at the center, you next to me, and all the others on the edge. When a thing moves toward the center, the verb we use is くれる. Otherwise, when a thing moves away from the center or when a thing stays away from the center, the transaction is described in terms of あげる.
The President gave my little sister a letter.
With both あげる and くれる, the giver is the subject of the sentence, and is accompanied by the particle は or が. The recipient is accompanied by the particle に. 私はその女の人に花をあげます。
I will give that woman flowers.
The woman gave the man a watch.
My parents may give me a new car.
Who gave you that present?
Transactions that are described with the verb くれる can also be described in terms of "receiving" or もらう. With もらう, it is the recipient that is the subject of the sentence, and the giver is accompanied by the particle に or から. Compare the もらう and くれる sentences below, which describe the same event. (recipient) {は/が} (giver) {に/から} もらう = (recipient) receives from giver 私は姉{に/から}マフラーをもらいました。
I received a winter scarf from my big sister.
My big sister gave me a winter scarf.
Did you receive a letter from me?
My little sister received a letter from the President.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary | ||||||||||||
英訳 |
あげる = to give (to others) くれる = to give (to me or someone close to you) もらう = to receive (from someone) |
文型 |
a. giver{は/が}recipientに{あげる/くれる} b. recipient{は/が}giver{に/から}もらう |
練習 |
4. ~たらどうですか Genki II: p.54
本文 |
説明 |
たらどうですか (lit. "How would you feel if you do something?") after a verb conveys advice or recommendation. The initial た in たらどうですか comes from the same ending as in the past tense short form of a verb in the affirmative. In casual speech, たらどうですか may be shortened to たらどう or たら. verb (short, past) + らどうですか = why don't you... 薬を飲んだらどうですか。
How about taking some medicine?
Why don't you study harder?
Also, the pattern is not to be used for extending invitations. If, for example, you want to tell your friend to come visit, you do not want to use たらどうですか, but should instead use ませんか.
Why don't you come to my place?
Compare: ×うちに来たらどうですか。
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro |
英訳 | why don't you...; what about doing...? |
文型 | short-past+らどうですか |
練習 |
5. Number+も/Number+しか+Negative Genki II: p.54-55
本文 |
説明 |
The basic structure for expressing numbers in Japanese is as follows. noun {が/を} + number 私のうちには猫が三匹います。
There are three cats in our house.
We bought two umbrellas.
You can add も to the number word when you want to say "as many as." 私の母は猫を三匹も飼っています。
My mother owns three, count them, three cats.
As many as twenty students showed up at the party yesterday.
You can add しか to the number word, and turn the predicate into the negative when you want to say "as few as" or "only." 私は日本語の本を一冊しか持っていません。
I have only one Japanese book.
There are only two computers in this company.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 |
number + も = as many as number + しか~ない = as few as; only |
文型 |
a. numberも b. numberしか~ない |
練習 |
表現ノート1. Short Forms in Casual Speech Genki II: p.55-56
説明 |
The dialogues in this lesson contain many examples of short forms as they are used in casual spoken Japanese. Let's examine some of the lines from the Dialogue section.
補足 | Wiktionary |
表現ノート2. なあ Genki II: p.56
本文 |
説明 | なあ at the end of a sentence, after a short form predicate, indicates exclamation of admiration, longing, frustration, or some such strong emotion. Basically, it intensifies the emotional value of a statement. なあ is mostly used when you are talking to yourself. |
補足 | Wiktionary |
例文 |
表現ノート3. できる Genki II: p.56
説明 |
できる has a number of different meanings depending on the context. "can do/be good at/do well" 日本語ができます。
I am capable in Japanese.
He can't ski.
I didn't do well on the exam.
"be completed/finished" 晩ご飯できましたよ。
Dinner is ready
Is your homework done yet?
"appear/come into existence/be made" 新しい店ができました。
A new store has opened.
I have made many friends.
補足 | Wiktionary |
英訳 | to be able to do; to be finished; to be made |
表現ノート4. ~からです Genki II: p.56
説明 | ~からです means "it's because..." and answers a "why" question. The part that precedes から is in the short form. |
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 | it's because... |
文型 | short+からです |
例文 |
Why are you studying Japanese?
It's because I like Japanese anime.
Lesson 15: A Trip to Nagano (長野旅行) Genki II: p.74-79
Suggest doing something together
Make preparations
Describe people or things in detail
Make plans for the trip with friends
1. Volitional Form Genki II: p.74-75
本文 |
説明 |
The volitional form of a verb is a more casual equivalent of ましょう. You can use it to suggest a plan to a close friend, for example.
We won't have any classes tomorrow. Let's go somewhere this evening.
Sounds good. Let's do so.
Potential verbs
Think of the u-verb conjugation in terms of a hiragana chart.
• ru-verbs: Drop the final -ru and add -yoo. 見る (mi-ru) 見よう (mi-yoo) • u-verbs: Drop the final -u and add -oo. 行く (ik-u) 行こう (ik-oo) 話す 話そう 待つ 待とう 死ぬ 死のう 読む 読もう 作る 作ろう 泳ぐ 泳ごう 遊ぶ 遊ぼう 買う 買おう • irregular verbs: くる こよう する しよう
You can use the volitional plus the question particle か to ask for an opinion in your offer or suggestion. A
Shall I lend you a hand?
No, I'm doing okay.
When shall we meet again?
How about Saturday next week?
補足 | Bunpro Wiktionary | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
英訳 | let's; shall we/I? | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
練習 |
2. Volitional Form + と思っています Genki II: p.75
本文 |
説明 |
We use the volitional form + と思っています to talk about our resolutions.
I've decided to/I'm going to study Japanese for three hours every day.
Situation 1 Q
I will give you 100,000 yen. What will you use it for?
I will go on a trip. (decision made on the spot)
Situation 2 Q
You got 100,000 yen from your parents? What are you going to use it for?
I am going to go on a trip. (decision already made)
Note that verbs in volitional forms and verbs in the present tense convey different ideas when they are used with と思います or と思っています. When you use volitionals, you are talking about your intention. When you use the present tense, you are talking about your prediction. 日本の会社で働こうと思います。
I will/intend to work for a Japanese company.
I think I/he/she will be working for a Japanese company.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 | I've decided to...; I'm going to...; I am thinking of...; I think I will... |
文型 | V-vol+と思う |
練習 |
3. ~ておく Genki II: p.76
本文 |
説明 |
The te-form of a verb plus the helping verb おく describes an action performed in preparation for something.
Since there will be an exam tomorrow, I will study (for it) tonight.
I have to clean my room, because my friends are coming.
ておく is often shortened to とく in speech. ホテルを予約しとくね。
I will make a hotel reservation in advance.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 | do something in advance/preparation |
文型 | ~ておく |
練習 |
4. Using Sentences to Qualify Nouns Genki II: p.76-77
本文 |
説明 |
In the phrase おもしろい本, the い-adjective おもしろい qualifies the noun 本 and tells us what kind of book it is. (See Lesson 9 for more details.) You can also use sentences to qualify nouns. The sentences that are used as qualifiers of nouns are shown in the boxes below.
Qualifier sentences in these examples tell us what kind of book we are talking about, just like adjectives. The verbs used in such qualifier sentences are in their short forms, either in the present (as in examples 3 and 4) or in the past tense (1 and 2), and either in the affirmative (1-3) or in the negative (4). When the subject of the verb—that is to say, the person performing the activity—appears inside a qualifier sentence, as in example 2 above, it is accompanied by the particle が, and not は. A "qualifier sentence + noun" combination is just like one big noun phrase. You can put it anywhere in a sentence that has a noun. |
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro | ||||||||||||||||||||
文型 | sentence+noun | ||||||||||||||||||||
例文 |
練習 |
表現ノート1. Short Forms in Casual Speech 2 Genki II: p.78
説明 |
In Lesson 14 we discussed the usage of short forms in casual speech. Let's continue examining some more examples of short forms used in casual spoken Japanese that appear in the Dialogue.
補足 | Tobira: Gateway to Advanced Japanese Wiktionary |
表現ノート2. ~けど and ~が Genki II: p.78
本文 |
説明 | You can use けど and が not only in the sense of "but" (contrasting two situations), but also to present the background to what you are about to say. In the dialogue, 一緒に行かない? alone would be too abrupt, and Takeshi would wonder what Mary is talking about. Mary could have used two separate sentences, as in ゆいさんの長野のうちに行こうと思ってるんだ。一緒に行かない? By inserting けど, Mary indicates that she still has something to say at the end of the first sentence. |
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
文型 | S+{が/けど} |
例文 |
表現ノート3. Short present+予定です Genki II: p.78-79
本文 |
説明 |
You can add 予定です to a verb in the present tense short form when you want to say that something is scheduled to take place.
I am scheduled to go to Korea this coming weekend.
My big brother is scheduled to get married this September.
I am not planning to come to school tomorrow.
補足 | Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 | schedule; plan |
文型 | short+予定{です/だ} |
表現ノート4. 見える/見られる and 聞こえる/聞ける Genki II: p.79
説明 |
見える is different from 見られる, the regular potential form of 見る. 見える means "something or someone is spontaneously visible"; 見られる, on the other hand, means that the subject of the sentence can see something or someone actively rather than passively.
I can see the ocean from the window of the room.
Where can I see that movie?
The difference between 聞こえる and 聞ける is the same. 聞こえる means "something is spontaneously audible." On the other hand, 聞ける, the potential form of 聞く, means that the subject of the sentence can hear the sound actively. けさ、鳥の声が聞こえました。
This morning, I heard the birds chirping.
We can listen to Japanese radio programs on the internet.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 |
見える = be visible; (can) see; look 見られる = can see 聞こえる = be audible; (can) hear; it sounds 聞ける = can hear |
表現ノート5. ~目 Genki II: p.79
説明 |
The suffix 目 turns a number into a reference to a position in a series, like first, second, third, fourth, etc. To use it, simply affix it to the end of a Number+Counter combination.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Wiktionary | ||||||||||||||||||||
英訳 | -st, -nd, -rd, or -th, suffix for ordinal numbers (e.g. 8th or eighth, 9th or ninth) | ||||||||||||||||||||
文型 | Number+Counter目 | ||||||||||||||||||||
例文 |
Lesson 16: Lost and Found (忘れ物) Genki II: p.96-103
Talk about doing a favor
Express our hopes and wishes
Describe lost items
1. ~てあげる/てくれる/てもらう Genki II: p.96-97
本文 |
説明 |
In Lesson 14 we learned that the verbs あげる, くれる, and もらう describe transactions of things. Here we will learn the use of these words as helping verbs. When these verbs follow the te-form of a verb, they describe the giving and receiving of services.
We use the te-form + あげる when we do something for the sake of others, or somebody does something for somebody else. The addition of the helping verb あげる does not change the basic meaning of the sentences, but puts the focus on the fact that the actions were performed "on demand" or "as a favor."
cf. 私は妹にお金を貸しました。 [an objective statement]
I (generously) lent my sister money (to help her out of her destitute conditions).
cf. I lent my sister money.
cf. ななみさんはヤスミンさんを駅に連れていきました。 [an objective statement]
Nanami (kindly) took Yasmin to the station (because she would be lost if left all by herself).
cf. Nanami took Yasmin to the station. When you want to add the idea of "doing somebody a favor" to a verb which does not have the place for the beneficiary, you can use ~のために.
cf. 私は買い物に行きました。
I went shopping for Yui.
cf. I went shopping. We use くれる when somebody does something for us. 友達が宿題を手伝ってくれます。
A friend helps me with my homework (for which I am grateful).
A relative sent me apples. (I feel so lucky.)
(Compare: 私を駅に連れていく) Nanami took me to the station.
(Compare: 私に漢字を教える) Takeshi taught me that kanji.
Ken cleaned the room for me.
We use the te-form + もらう to say that we get, persuade, or arrange for, somebody to do something for us. In other words, we "receive" somebody's favor. The person performing the action for us is accompanied by the particle に. 私は友達に宿題を手伝ってもらいました。
I got a friend of mine to help me with my homework.
A friend of mine helped me with my homework.
I am glad that a stranger read the kanji for me.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Tobira: Gateway to Advanced Japanese Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Wiktionary | ||||||||||||
英訳 |
てあげる = do something for someone; do someone a favor by doing something てくれる = do something (for me or someone); do me or someone a favor by doing something てもらう = receive benefit from an action by someone; have something done by someone; have someone do something ~ために = in order to; to; for the purpose of; for; for the sake of |
文型 | ~て{あげる/くれる/もらう} | ||||||||||||
練習 |
2. ~ていただけませんか Genki II: p.98
本文 |
説明 |
We will learn three new ways to make a request. They differ in degrees of politeness shown to the person you are asking.
~ていただけませんか (polite) ~てくれませんか ~てくれない? (causal) We use the te-form of a verb + いただけませんか to make a polite request. This is more appropriate than ください when you request a favor from a nonpeer such as your professor or your boss or from a stranger. 手伝っていただけませんか。
Would you lend me a hand?
The variants of the いただけませんか pattern are listed in what is felt by most native speakers to be the order of decreasing politeness. In addition to these, each verb can be used in the affirmative as well as in the negative.
~ていただけませんか (いただける, the potential verb for いただく)
~てくださいませんか (くださる) ~てもらえませんか (もらえる, the potential verb for もらう) ~てくれませんか (くれる) ~てもらえない? (もらえる, in the short form) ~てくれない? (くれる, in the short form) The te-form + くれませんか is a request which is roughly equal in the degree of politeness to ください. くれませんか of course comes from the verb くれる. This is probably the form most appropriate in the host-family context. ちょっと待ってくれませんか。
Will you wait for a second?
それ取ってくれない? or それ取って
Pick that thing up (and pass it to me), will you?
補足 | Bunpro |
英訳 | will you?; would you? |
文型 | ~ていただけませんか |
練習 |
3. ~といい Genki II: p.99
本文 |
説明 |
You can use the present tense short form + といいですね (polite) or といいね (casual) to say that you hope something nice happens. When you say といいですね or といいね, you are wishing for the good luck of somebody other than yourself. It is composed of the conditional particle と (if/when) + いい (good/nice), with ね tagged on when you express your hopes for another. So, Xといいですね literally means "It would be good/nice if X."
I hope you find a good part-time job.
I hope it doesn't rain.
To say what you hope for, for your own good, you can use といいんですが (polite) or といいんだけど (casual). These endings show the speaker's attitude is more tentative and make the sentence sound more modest. 試験がやさしいといいんですが。
I am hoping that the exam is easy.
I hope I can catch the eight o'clock train.
I hope Sora will come.
Compare: ×大学に行くといいんですが。
I am hoping to go to college.
(= I am hoping that I can go to college.) |
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary | ||||
英訳 |
~といいですね = I hope... (for you/them) ~といいんですが I hope... (for myself) |
文型 |
a. short-presentといい(です)ね b. short-presentといいん{ですが/だけど} |
練習 |
4. ~時 Genki II: p.99-102
本文 |
説明 |
We use the word 時 to describe when something happens or happened.
Sentence A always ends with a short form, either in the present tense or the past tense. You can decide which tense to use in A by doing a simple thought experiment. Place yourself at the time the main event B takes place, and imagine how you would describe the event in A. If A is current or yet to happen, use the present tense in A. If A has already taken place, use the past tense. Of course, the grammar of the 時 temporal clauses in reality has more twists and quirks than are shown here, but this should be a good enough start. The present tense in A If, at the time the main event B takes place, A is current or is still "in the future," use the present tense in A. チベットに行く時、ビザを取ります。
When I go to Tibet [=A], I will get a visa [=B].
Note that as long as the event A occurs after the event B, the clause A gets the present tense (行く), irrespective of the tense in clause B (取ります or 取りました). In the example below, the whole sequence of events has been shifted to the past: at the time you applied for the visa (=B), the departure (=A) was yet to be realized. The temporal order between the two events is exactly the same as in the example above, hence the present tense of 行く. Note especially that we use the present tense in A, even if the two events took place in the past. チベットに行く時、ビザを取りました。
When I was going to Tibet [=A], I got a visa [=B].
When I go to sleep, I turn off the light.
(You turn off the light [=B], and then go to bed [=A].) 出かける時、ドアにかぎをかけました。
When I went out, I locked the door.
(You locked the door [=B], and then went out [=A].) さびしい時、友達に電話します。
I call up friends when I am lonely.
If A is a verbal idea (action) and describes an ongoing event during which B takes or took place, the verb in A is in the ている form. In the example below, the phone call event (=B) occurs in the middle of watching TV (=A). テレビを見ている時、友達から電話がありました。
A phone call came when I was watching TV.
Note in this connection that it is wrong to use the following sentence pattern, because 行っている does not describe an ongoing event but is a description of the result of "going," that is, being in a faraway place after going (see Lesson 7).
(Should be: 沖縄に行く時、飛行機に乗りました。) I went by plane when I was going to Okinawa.
Note that な-adjectives take な, and nouns take の before 時. 寒い時、頭が痛くなります。
I get a headache when it's cold.
I jog in the park when I feel good.
I took the dog to a vet when it was sick.
The past tense in A If, at the time of main event B, A is already "in the past," use the past tense in A. Note that we use the past tense event when the two events are yet to take place; it is the order of the two that matters. In the example below, you will have already arrived in China (=A) at the time you buy tea (=B). 中国に行った時、ウーロン茶を買います。
I will buy oolong tea when I go to China.
I bought oolong tea when I went to China.
When I have gotten tired, I take a long bath.
(You get tired [=A], and then take a bath [=B].) 財布を忘れた時、友達にお金を借りました。
When I had forgotten to bring my wallet, I borrowed money from a friend.
(You found out about your wallet missing [=A], and then decided to borrow money [=B].) |
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
英訳 | when | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
文型 |
a. {V-short/A}時 b. ANa+{な/だった}時 c. N+{の/だった}時 |
練習 |
5. ~てすみませんでした Genki II: p.102
本文 |
説明 |
You use the te-form of a verb plus すみませんでした (polite) or ごめん (casual) to describe the things you have done that you want to apologize for.
I'm sorry for using foul language.
Sorry that I stood you up.
I'm sorry for not bringing my homework.
Sorry that I did not tell you earlier.
The past tense version of すみませんでした implies that you have made a clean break from the mistake that you made, while the present tense すみません is good if you consider that the problem still persists. You can use ごめん for both cases. 遅刻してすみませんでした。
Sorry for being late for class. [After the class]
Sorry for being late for class. [As you arrive at the classroom]
補足 | Bunpro | ||||
英訳 | Sorry for doing... | ||||
文型 | ~て{すみませんでした/ごめん} | ||||
練習 |
表現ノート1. Adjective-stem+さ Genki II: p.103
説明 | You can turn an い-adjective into a noun by replacing the last い with さ. Thus from 大きい you can get 大きさ (size). Other examples include やさしさ (kindness) and さびしさ (loneliness). Some な-adjectives can likewise be turned into nouns by replacing な with さ, as in 便利さ (convenience). |
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Tobira: Gateway to Advanced Japanese Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 | -ness; -ty; -ly |
文型 | Adjective-stem+さ |
例文 |
表現ノート2. おごる and ごちそうする Genki II: p.103
説明 | おごる is mainly used among friends. ごちそうする is a polite alternative for おごる. Use ごちそうする instead when the person who will treat, or treated, you to a meal is a superior, such as a teacher or a business associate. ごちそうする refers to "invite for a meal" as well as "pay for a meal." |
補足 | Wiktionary |
英訳 | to treat (someone) to a meal |
例文 |
Lesson 17: Grumble and Gossip (ぐちとうわさ話) Genki II: p.118-123
Tell what we hear from others
Talk about hypothetical situations
Point out similarities
Grumble about our situations
1. ~そうです (I hear)・~によると Genki II: p.118-119
本文 |
説明 |
In Lesson 13, we discussed the sentence-final expression そうです, which means "seemingly." Here we will study another sentence-final そうです, which presents a "hearsay report." The two そうです differ not only in their semantics, but also in the forms of predicates they are attached to. You can add the そうです of a report to a sentence ending in the short form. The そうです of report is robustly invariant. The only forms commonly used are そうです and the more casual そうだ. We do not use the negative そうじゃないです, and the past tense version そうでした.
When we use そうです, the reported speech retains the tense and the polarity of the original utterance. We simply turn the predicates into their short forms. (Thus です after a な-adjective or a noun changes to だ, while です after an い-adjective is left out.) Compare the paradigms of the two そうです.
To specify the information source, you can preface a sentence with the phrase ~によると, as in トムさんによると (according to Tom), 新聞によると (according to the newspaper report), and 天気予報によると (according to the weather forecast). 天気予報によると、台風が来るそうです。
According to the weather forecast, a typhoon is approaching.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
英訳 |
~そうです = I've heard that... ~によると = according to... |
文型 |
a. {V/A}+そう{です/だ} b. {N/ANa}だ+そう{です/だ} a2. Nによると |
練習 |
2. ~って Genki II: p.119
本文 |
説明 |
In informal speech, you can add って at the end of a sentence, instead of そうです, to quote what you have heard. って is the informal variant of the quotation particle と and follows the short forms in much the same way as と言っていました and そうです. So, when your friend Mary says: 「今日は忙しいです。あした、試験があるんです。」
"I'm busy today. I have an exam tomorrow."
Mary says she's busy today. She says she has an exam tomorrow.
You can also use って in place of the quotation particle と before verbs like 言う. ロバートさんは何て言ってた?
What did Robert say?
He said he ate too much chocolate.
Lastly, one final important point to note is that って can replace the topic particle は in casual speech. The meaning is essentially the same as は, but in certain contexts it can be interpreted as "speaking of...." 宮崎駿のアニメっていいよね。
Hayao Miyazaki's animations are great, aren't they?
Speaking of Takeshi, he found a job, didn't he?
補足 |
Dictionary of Japanese Grammar
Tobira: Gateway to Advanced Japanese
英訳 |
って (と variant) = he/she says/said...; I hear that... って (は variant) = speaking of...; as for... |
文型 |
a. Sって (と variant) b. Nって (は variant) |
練習 |
3. ~たら Genki II: p.119-121
本文 |
説明 |
たら is one of the several words in Japanese that refer to conditional (if) dependence. We learned one use of this word in Lesson 14: たらどうですか used in recommending an activity to the listener. たらどうですか literally translates to "how is it if?" When we say "AたらB," we mean that the event, action, or situation in B is realized if and when the condition in A is met.
I will buy a kimono if/when I go to Japan.
Sometimes, the clause before たら describes a possible condition and the clause after it the consequence which then follows. Whether or not the condition is actually met is largely an open issue with this set of sentences. 山下先生に会ったら、そのことを聞こうと思います。
I will ask about it, if I see Professor Yamashita.
If somebody is a Japanese person, then they will probably know this word.
We will not go camping, if the weather is not good.
It will be better for you to study this weekend, if you have an exam next week.
Let's go out and have some fun once we are done with our homework.
Finally, the たら clause can describe a condition that is unreal and contrary to fact. With this type of sentence, you express a purely hypothetical condition and its probable result. 私が猫だったら、一日中寝ているでしょう。
If I were a cat, I would be asleep all day long.
If I had a million yen, I would buy a car.
Throughout the uses of the たら conditional clauses discussed here, one thing remains constant: AたらB can only describe a conditional dependency that holds naturally between A and B. You cannot describe with たら an "if" dependency of the "B even if A" type, where B holds in spite of A. We will learn about "even if" sentences in Lesson 23. あなたが結婚したかったら, 私は結婚しません。
I will not marry you even if you want to.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary | ||||||||||||||||||||
英訳 | if; when | ||||||||||||||||||||
文型 |
a. short-past+ら b. Aたら c. {N/ANa}だったら |
練習 |
4. ~なくてもいいです Genki II: p.121
本文 |
説明 |
To describe what you do not need to do, take a negative sentence in the short form, drop the final い of ない, and add なくてもいいです. もcan be omitted in casual speech, allowing you to simply say なくていい. なくて is the negative te-form, which we studied in Grammar 5 in Lesson 16.
You do not need to take off your shoes.
The present does not need to be anything exprensive.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro |
英訳 | do not need to...; do not have to... |
文型 | V-nai+なくて(も)いい(です) |
練習 |
5. ~みたいです Genki II: p.122
本文 |
説明 |
みたいです follows a noun and expresses the idea that something or somebody resembles the thing or the person described by the noun. The resemblance noted is usually in terms of external characteristics, but not necessarily so.
My dad looks/acts like Colonel Sanders, the KFC founder.
It looks like it has rained, doesn't it?
It looks like that person is hungry.
It looks like that person did not sleep last night.
It looks like I have left my wallet at home.
みたいです can follow adjectives too, but it is far more common to use そうです with adjectives. See Lesson 13 for the adjective base + そうです construction. |
補足 | Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 | it looks like... |
文型 | {N/short}みたい(です/だ) |
練習 |
6. ~前に/~てから Genki II: p.122-123
本文 |
説明 |
You can use the present tense short form and 前に to describe the event before which something happens. verb A (short, present) + 前に verb B = B before A. ジーンズを買う前に、はいてみます。
I try on jeans before I buy them.
I studied Japanese for one semester before I came to Japan.
To describe an event after which another thing happens, you can use the te-form of a verb + から. verb A + てから verb B = A, and then B. / B after A. 勉強してから、遊びに行きました。
I studied and then went out.
Why don't we eat after Ken has arrvied?
I have been feeling very lonely ever since my cat died.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 |
前に = before ~てから = after...; and then...; since... |
文型 |
a. short-present前にV b. ~てからV |
練習 |
表現ノート1. よね Genki II: p.123
本文 |
説明 |
You can add よね to a statement if both you and the person you are speaking to know about the situation equally well. Compare よ, ね, and よね. In the following examples.
You may not know this because you're still a student, but working for a company is tough.
(Said by an office working to a student) サラリーマンは大変だね。
I see that you are very tired. Working for a company is tough, huh?
(Said by a student to an office worker.) サラリーマンは大変だよね。
Working for a company is tough, isn't it?
(A comment made between students or office workers.) |
英訳 | isn't it?; isn't that right? |
文型 | Sよね |
例文 |
Lesson 18: John's Part-time Job (ジョンさんのアルバイト) Genki II: p.140-145
Describe the states of things
Talk about failures
Express our regret
Talk with the manager at a workplace
1. Transitivity Pairs Genki II: p.140
本文 |
説明 |
Some verbs describe situations in which people act on things. For example, I open the door, you turn on the TV, and he broke the computer. Such verbs are called, "transitive verbs." Some other verbs describe changes that things or people undergo. For example, the door opens, the TV goes on, and the computer breaks down. These verbs are called "intransitive verbs." While most verbs are loners and do not have a counterpart of the opposite transitivity, some important verbs come in pairs.
Transitive verbs call for both the subject (agent) and the object (the thing that is acted upon). Intransitive verbs call only for the subject (the thing or the person that goes through the change.)
Takeshi turned the light on.
The light came on.
Takeshi boiled the water.
The water boiled. メアリー
Huh? Where's my bento?
Uh... Takeshi ate it.
補足 | Bunpro Wiktionary | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
文型 |
a. (Aが)Bをtransitive verb b. Aがintransitive verb |
練習 |
2. Paired Intransitive Verbs + ている Genki II: p.141
本文 |
説明 |
Transitive verbs describe activities, while intransitive verbs describe changes. They behave differently when they are followed by the helping verb ている. Let us first recall that activity verbs (話す, for example) + ている refer to actions in progress, while change verbs (結婚する, for example) + ている refer to the states resulting from a change, as we learned in Lesson 7.
ソラさんは今、友達と話しています。(activity, action in progress)
Sora is talking with a friend right now.
山下先生は結婚しています。(change, resulting state)
Professor Yamashita is married.
練習 |
3. ~てしまう Genki II: p.141-142
本文 |
説明 |
The te-form of a verb + しまう has two meanings, which at first might appear rather incongruous. In the first instance, しまう indicates that one "carries out with determination" a plan described by the verb. It typically involves bringing something to a culmination. You, in other words, do something completely, or finish doing something, or have something done.
I read the book completely. / I finished reading the book.
The second meaning of しまう is "lack of premediation or control over how things turn out." This often comes with the sense of regret; something regrettable happens, or you do something which you did not intend to do. 電車の中にかばんを忘れてしまいました。
I inadvertently left my bag on the train.
To my horror, my professor got angry because I had forgotten my homework.
In speech, ~てしまう and ~でしまう are often contracted to ~ちゃう and ~じゃう, respectively. 宿題をなくしちゃった。
I lost my homework!
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary | |||||||||||||||
英訳 | completely; regrettably; to finish completely; to do something by accident | |||||||||||||||
文型 | ~てしまう | |||||||||||||||
練習 |
4. ~と Genki II: p.142-143
本文 |
説明 |
The present tense short form of a predicate + と means whenever the situation described by the predicate holds true, another thing happens. In most と sentences, the first clause describes the cause, and the second the effect.
Whenever I talk with that person, I feel uplifted.
Whenever the streets are crowded, it takes longer to get there.
Sometimes, a と sentence describes a cause-effect relationship between specific events. メアリーさんが国に帰るとさびしうくなります。
If Mary goes back home, we will be sad and lonely.
When I was young, whenever winter arrived, I caught a cold.
Whenever I talk with that person, we go to a cafe.
Whenever fall arrives, trees turn red.
Whenever night comes, the town becomes quiet.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 | if; when; whenever |
文型 | short-presentと~ |
練習 |
5. ~ながら Genki II: p.143-144
本文 |
説明 |
You can connect two verbs together with ながら to say that the two actions are performed at the same time. ながら follows a verb stem. The second verb, which goes after ながら, can be in any form.
I always study Japanese while listening to music.
Takeshi is doing laundry while singing a song.
It is not easy to go to school while working a part-time job.
Note that the two verbs that flank ながら must be two actions performed by the same person. ながら, in other words, cannot describe an action performed while another person does something. In such a case, we would use 時 instead, as shown below. ×メアリーが買い物しながら、たけしは部屋を掃除します。
While Mary does shopping, Takeshi cleans the room.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 | while |
文型 | V1-stemながら、V2。 |
練習 |
6. ~ばよかったです Genki II: p.144-145
本文 |
説明 |
ばよかったです means I wish I had done or I should have done something. You can use it to describe an alternative course of action you, to your great regret, did not take. Affirmative: ~ばよかった = I wish I had done... Negative: ~なければよかった = I wish I had not done... あの時、「愛している」と言えばよかったです
I wish I had told her that I loved her.
I should not have broken up with her.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
英訳 | I wish I had done...; I wish I had not done... | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
文型 | V-cond+よかった (V-cond = ば-form, see table above) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
練習 |
表現ノート1. おかげ Genki II: p.145
本文 |
説明 |
Nounのおかげ(で) is used to express gratitude for something or to someone when things turn out as desired.
Thanks to the map my friend drew, I didn't get lost.
Congratulations on your graduation.
I owe it to you, Professor.
How are you?
I'm fine, thanks to you.
Have you gotten used to the job?
Yes, I have gotten used to it mostly. Thank you for your concern.
補足 | Tobira: Gateway to Advanced Japanese Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 | thanks to...; because of... |
文型 | Nのおかげ(で) |
Lesson 19: Meeting the Boss (出迎え) Genki II: p.164-169
Show our respect
Express gratitude
Talk about things we are glad that we did
Talk politely with bosses
1. Honorific Verbs Genki II: p.164-166
本文 |
説明 |
We use special verbs to describe the actions of people whom you respect. These special verbs are called honorific verbs, because they bestow honor upon, or exalt, the person performing the activity.
In regards to 行く, 来る, etc., the replacement by the special verb いらっしゃる also applies to compound verbs like 待って行く and 連れて来る. 社長はお子さんを会社に連れていらっしゃいました。
The president has brought her child to the office.
I am sorry, but my lady is currently studying.
When we use an honorific verb instead of a normal verb, we will have sentences which mean that somebody graciously does something. Thus, we never use these verbs to describe our own actions. Instead, we use them when we talk about what is done by (1) somebody higher up in the social hierarchy, or (2) somebody whom you do not know very well, especially when addressing them directly.
cf. 行きません/来ません/いません The professor will (graciously) not go to/come to/be at the school. (three-way ambiguous)
cf. 食べますか/飲みますか What will you (graciously) eat/drink?
cf. くれました Ms. Tanaka's mother (graciously) gave me this book.
cf. 心配しないでください Please don't (graciously) worry.
cf. 寝るそうです I hear that the professor (graciously) goes to bed around 10.
cf. The president is (graciously) watching the news.
(1) Using ていらっしゃいます instead of ています, if the sentence has the helping verb ている.
(<話しています) The professor is (graciously) talking on the phone.
(<疲れているみたいです) It appears that the department manager is (graciously) tired.
(2) Flanking a verb stem with お and になる. お + verb stem + になる
(<帰りました) The professor has already (graciously) gone home.
(<読んだことがありますか) Have you ever (graciously) read this magazine?
(<使ってください) Please (graciously) use it.
ている is exceptional in being a post-predicate that regularly undergoes the honorific style shift. Special honorific verbs generally take priority over ていらっしゃる, as seen in the ご覧になっています example above, but forms like 見ていらっしゃいます are also considered acceptable. |
補足 | Bunpro Wiktionary | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
文型 |
a. (see chart above for verb replacements) b. お+V-stem+になる |
練習 |
2. Giving Respectful Advice (お~ください) Genki II: p.166
本文 |
説明 |
You may hear the form "お + verb stem + ください" in public service announcements and in the speech of store attendants. お + verb stem + ください
(<取る) Please take a ticket.
(<読む) Please read the instruction.
Please take the salt (and pass it to me).
With most する compound verbs, for example, the prefix ご is used instead of お. Note also the examples with special honorific verbs below.
(<注意する) Please watch out.
(<ご覧になる <見る) Please look.
(<召し上がる <食べる) Please help yourself.
(<お休みになる <寝る) Please have a good rest.
補足 | Bunpro |
英訳 | Please... |
文型 |
a. お + V-stem + ください b. ご + VN + ください |
練習 |
3. ~てくれてありがとう Genki II: p.167
本文 |
説明 |
When you want to express gratitude to someone for a specific action, you can use the te-form + くれてありがとう.
Thank you for helping me out.
Thank you for being a good friend.
Thank you for writing a letter of recommendation for me.
Thank you for your kind instructions.
補足 | Bunpro | |||||
英訳 | Thank you for... | |||||
文型 | ~てくれてありがとう | |||||
練習 |
4. ~てよかったです Genki II: p.167
本文 |
説明 |
Te-form + よかった means "I'm glad that such and such is/was the case." If you want to mention something in the negative in the part before よかった, you can use the negative te-form なくて.
~てよかったです = I am glad that I did.../...was the case ~なくてよかったです = I am glad that I didn't.../...was not the case |
補足 | Bunpro |
英訳 | I'm glad that... |
文型 | ~てよかった(です) |
例文 |
練習 |
5. ~はずです Genki II: p.168
本文 |
説明 |
You can say something is "supposed to be the case," by adding はずです to a sentence ending in the short form.
The bank should be closed, because today is a Sunday.
I believe that the paper is not due tomorrow.
I cannot imagine that he would tell a lie.
You can turn はずです into the past tense to describe something that was supposed to have been the case but actually turned out otherwise. The part that precedes はずでした is in the present tense. 先週電話をもらうはずでしたが、電話がありませんでした。
I was supposed to receive a phone call last week, but I didn't.
You can use はずです with adjectives, nouns, and verbs.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Tobira: Gateway to Advanced Japanese Bunpro Wiktionary | ||||||||||
英訳 | should; I expect that...; I believe that...; it is supposed to be the case | ||||||||||
文型 |
a. {short/A}+はず{です/だ} b. ANa+な+はず{です/だ} c. N+の+はず{です/だ} |
練習 |
表現ノート1. お~, ご~, and Honorific Forms of Nouns Genki II: p.169
本文 |
説明 |
Some nouns and adjectives are made into honorific forms by adding the prefixes お or ご. お is usually used with words that originated in Japanese and ご with words borrowed from Chinese.
お~: お名前 お仕事 お好き お元気 おたばこ お忙しい
Some other words are replaced by special vocabulary items.
ご~: ご両親 ご兄弟 ご病気 ご主人 ご親切
家 お宅
These words and expressions cannot be used when you refer to yourself, your family, or the group you belong to.
子供 お子さん だれ どなた/どちら様 どこ どちら どうですか いかがですか A
(×お元気です) A
How are your parents?
Thanks to you, they are fine.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Wiktionary |
英訳 | [prefix that expresses politeness] |
文型 |
a. お+{V/A/ANa/N} b. ご+{V/A/ANa/N} |
表現ノート2. たら in Polite Speech Genki II: p.169
本文 |
説明 |
In Lesson 17 we learned that the conditional たら is based on the past tense short forms. In honorific speech, たら also follows the long form in the past tense.
cf. 決まったら呼んでください。 Please let us know when you are ready to order.
英訳 | if; when |
文型 | V-stemましたら~ |
表現ノート3. それで/そして/それから Genki II: p.169
説明 |
These "and" words are used in different situations and vary slightly in their meanings. The one thing they all share in common, however, is adding more information to what has previously been said.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Tobira: Gateway to Advanced Japanese Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 |
それで = and therefore そして = and in addition それから = and then |
Lesson 20: Mary Goes Shopping (メアリーさんの買い物) Genki II: p.184-190
Speak modestly about ourselves
Express what is difficult or easy to do
Return and exchange merchandise
Ask for directions
1. Extra-modest Expressions Genki II: p.184-185
本文 |
説明 |
In the last lesson, we learned the special expressions to be used when we want to show respect to another person. Here we will learn to talk modestly of our own actions. We use the verbs below when we want to sound modest and respectful in our speech, to show an extra amount of deference to the listener. These verbs are almost always used in long forms, because the purpose of using them is to be polite to the person you are talking to. Using one of these verbs is like ending a sentence with the words sir or ma'am.
cf. います I will be in Japan next year, too, sir/ma'am.
cf. 卒業しました I graduated from college this June, sir/ma'am.
cf. 勉強しています I have been studying Japanese for a year.
cf. 言います My name is Takeshi Kimura.
cf. 来ます The train is pulling in.
cf. です The bathroom is on the second floor.
Because the effect of the extra-modest expressions is to put the subject in a modest light, you cannot use them to describe the actions performed by the person you are talking to or by somebody who is not in your group. Therefore, it is wrong to say: ×先生はあした学校に参りますか。
Are you coming to school tomorrow, Professor?
補足 | Bunpro Wiktionary | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
練習 |
2. Humble Expressions Genki II: p.185-187
本文 |
説明 |
When you do something out of respect for somebody, you can sometimes describe your action using a verb in the humble pattern "お + verb stem + する." (Not all verbs are used this way, so you may want to use only the ones you have actually heard used.) You can speak of "humbly" meeting, lending to, or borrowing from someone, for example. お + verb stem + する = I (humbly) do... 私はきのう社長のご主人にお会いしました。
I (humbly) met the husband of the company president yesterday.
I intend to (humbly) lend my professor a book.
I borrowed a dictionary from my professor (and feel very obliged).
The subject in every example above is "I," and "I" humbly perfoms the action in deference to the person underlined. You can also talk about one of "your people," such as a family member or a coworker, humbly performing an action in deference to somebody outside the group. 父はお客さんにお茶をおいれしました。
My father (humbly) served the guest tea.
I will (humbly) walk you to the station.
Let me (humbly) turn on the TV (for you).
Let us summarize the three types of "respect language" we have learned in this and the preceding lesson. The up arrow and the down arrow indicate the person whose profile is raised or lowered, respectively, by the use of the respect element in the sentence.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 | I (humbly) do... |
文型 | お+V-stem+する |
練習 |
3. ~ないで Genki II: p.188
本文 |
説明 |
If you do something without doing something else, the action not performed can be expressed with ~ない (the short negative present) plus で. Note that the present tense form ~ない is used for both present and past actions.
verb (short, negative) + で = without doing... |
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro Wiktionary |
英訳 | without doing...; do not do something and... |
文型 | short-neg+で、S。 |
例文 |
練習 |
4. Questions within Larger Sentences Genki II: p.188-189
本文 |
説明 |
You can include a question as a part of a longer sentence and express ideas such as "I don't know when the test is" and "I don't remember whether Mary came to the party." Embedded question clauses are shown in the boxes in the examples below. Embedded questions are in short forms. Note (1) that the clause ends with the question particle か when it contains a question word like だれ and なに, as in the first two examples, and (2) that it ends with かどうか when it does not contain such a question word, as in the third example. Many people, however, often use か instead of かどうか in their speech for questions of this second type as well. 山下先生はきのう何を食べたか覚えていません。
Professor Yamashita does not remember what he ate yesterday.
Do you know where Mary lives?
Let's decide whether we will go on a trip this weekend.
I don't know who is the best.
I don't know if that person is a student.
Direct question: どうしてメアリーさんは来なかったんですか。
Why didn't Mary come?
I don't know why Mary didn't come.
We often use the particle か with the subject of an embedded sentence where は is expected. Thus, for the embedded question corresponding to the direct question たけしさんはだれが好きですか, we say: 私はたけしさんがだれが好きか知っています。
I know who Takeshi is in love with.
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Gramar Bunpro Wiktionary | |||
英訳 | かどうか = whether or not; if (~ or not) | |||
文型 |
a. QW+question+か{わかりません/知っています/etc.} b. Yes/no question+かどうか{わかりません/知っています/etc.} |
練習 |
5. NameというItem Genki II: p.189
本文 |
説明 |
When you want to talk about a person or a thing that goes by a certain name, but if you believe the person you are talking to is not familiar with it, you can use the following pattern. (name)という(item) = (item) called "(name)" という is a combination of the quotation particle と and 言う (to call; name), and is typically written in kana alone. In this usage of 言う, we are not using the "say" meaning, but the "call/name" meaning instead. |
補足 | Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Bunpro |
英訳 | called; named |
文型 | nameというitem |
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練習 |