Genki Study Resources

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2/10/25You can now change the main theme color to the Genki II color scheme via the settings manager! Click here to learn more about this new setting.
1/15/25Happy New Year! With the new year, comes new projects! Click here to learn about what I have planned for 2025.
12/14/24I've been slowly rolling out ads on my website recently. They're optional for this project, however, so please click here to learn more about this update.
10/26/24Click here to learn about the recent updates made to the website as well as my future plans.
Interested in learning Japanese? Check out our guide for more information on how to learn the language, as well as useful tools that you can utilize in your studies!
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巻末 - Vocabulary Index

Welcome to the vocabulary index for Genki! This index lists 2674 words learned in Genki volumes I and II. It also allows you to practice a selected list of words in the exercise of your choice, so you can learn and memorize new words or focus on the ones you're having trouble with.


To begin practicing, select 5 or more words by clicking the checkbox next to any word to add it to your study queue. You can also use the select all buttons to select a group of words. Once you have selected all the words you want, click the button below to begin.

Dictionary Mode

Use the buttons below to switch between Japanese-English and English-Japanese dictionary modes.


The legend shows the meanings of an icon or abbreviation.

会……会話・文法編 (Conversation and Grammar section)
読……読み書き編 (Reading and Writing section)
G……あいさつ (Greetings)
(e)……Useful Expressions
(c)……Culture Note
漢字表/I・II・III……問題番号(読み書き編) (Kanji list or number of the exercise in the Reading and Writing section)
ワークブックL.. (Workbook Lesson)
[u] u-verb [ru] ru-verb [irr] irregular verb
exp. expression neg. negative lit. literally etc. etcetera

Japanese-English Dictionary

Dictionary Index

The Dictionary Index lets you quickly jump to a section, select/deselect all words, or show/hide all definitions.

Quick Search

Quick search helps you quickly find words you're looking for.













































    English-Japanese Dictionary

    Dictionary Index

    The Dictionary Index lets you quickly jump to a section, select/deselect all words, or show/hide all definitions.

    Quick Search

    Quick search helps you quickly find words you're looking for.

























