第9課 - Workbook: Listening Comprehension
Listen to the audio and answer the questions.
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AKen and Yui are talking. Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions in Japanese.
*イタリア (Italy)
BJun is showing the picture taken at his birthday party. Where are the following people in the picture.
*ケーキ (cake) ワイン (wine)
() Jun
() Jun's friend
() Jun's younger sister
() Jun's older sister
() Jun's younger brother
() Jun's father
() Pochi
CListen to the dialogue at a shop. How many of each item did the shopkeeper sell?
How many? Total amount
coffee () ¥
orangeオレンジ () ¥
rice ballおにぎり () ¥
tea () ¥
boxed lunch () ¥