Code Vein Builder

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News and Info

Would you like to share your build with the rest of Vein, Revenant? If so, please visit the submit a build page to learn how to submit your build to Code Vein Builder. Your build may very well save another Revenant's life!
Using a keyboard, Revenant? Code Vein Builder supports keyboard controls for certain actions. Learn more about them from the readme on Github!
If you've encountered any bugs or have any feedback/suggestions, we'd love to hear from you, Revenant. Please visit the report page to learn how to get in contact with us.
Are you bilingual, Revenant? If so, we could use your help translating Code Vein Builder into other languages. Please see the submit a translation page for more information. The more people we can reach, the better!
We're currently looking for help with rendering the category icons. If you have experience rendering graphics and would like to contribute to Code Vein Builder, please see issue #1 on Github. Thanks in advance to the Revenant who accepts this daunting task.
If you found this tool useful, please consider making a donation. Thank you for your support, Revenant!
Blood CodePrometheus
Ichor20 (40)
Base MobilityNormal
STR StrengthA
DEX DexterityA
MND MindC+
WIL WillpowerC+
VIT VitalityC+
FOR FortitudeA
Mobility 1Normal (64/103)
Mobility 2Quick (30/103)